

Get Free Products from The 3AM Teacher


     I am in need of about five people who would be willing to test and use my products so I can improve them for classroom use. I would like an overview, a suggestion, how it was used, a wish _____ was included, price review & a photo in use. I will post about two to three new products a month (sometimes more and sometimes less), and I will give you as much time as you need to review and test the product. I can only choose 5-7 people. The first 7 people to reply to this post and become a follower will get to test the Iditarod product today. You may also request a product to test as well  I am open to constructive criticism on all of my products (-:


Conditions :You MUST currently be teaching or actively involved in a school where you can test the products with kids and take photos (not of the children - of course). Home-school parents welcome!

P.S. - If you're not in the first 7 to reply & follow...don't worry, I may still need to choose someone.
If you already follow this worries...just reply to the post (-:

Thank you very much for visiting!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th -
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  1. I just started teaching Pre-K and would like to help with any of your classroom resources.

  2. That sounds great! Thank you so much for helping. I will be checking on this tomorrow (I mean today) afternoonish. Please email me at so I can get started on sending you some products and a product review form (don't worry - no essays required). Please let me know if there is something that you would like to preview first. I just published two new things this month - the Iditarod unit & the new E-book out today.
    Thanks again!

  3. I don't want to take from a "classroom" teacher who might want this, but I service/coach teachers from grade prek3 - 5th grade and would be willing to try some things out. If you get teachers that are interested and need to bump me I totally understand :)

  4. Mrs. Cushman...I would love to have a "mentor" or teacher coach review my products! Thank you so much. Please email me at the and I will being to send the product review page along with some products. Again...Thank you so very much! You are more than welcome to share the products with other teachers (-:

  5. I'm a librarian in a K-5 school and would love to try your product with all my classes!

  6. Jenn, That sounds great! Thank you so much. I am going to be sending out an email later this afternoon to everyone who is on board thus far with the product review page (small) and some products. Just send me an email at & make sure to follow the blog.
    Thank again!

  7. Your blog is a keeper! For the past 22 years I have worked in a Christian school as teacher in the PK3 and PK4 classrooms. It would be an honor to work with your products should you find a need for another test classroom.
    Get some rest! :o))

    January 21, 8pm est.
    Lake Worth, FL

  8. Anonymous,
    I would love another "tester". I began teaching in a private school myself, but ended up teaching 7th grade LA in a public school. I would be honored. Just send your email to and I will send you the info.
    Thank you so very much! I really appreciate the help.

    Just out of curiosity, what curriculum had your school adapted?
    I was using the A-Beka (Advanced Kinder) when I taught, but I thought it really lacked in science and math...but the phonics and reading was incredible and I haven't come across anything that comes close yet.

  9. I would love the opportunity to be a tester. I am currently a senior intern at Daytona State College and I am teaching in first grade. If you could help in any way I would greatly appreciate it! I keep great records and love any tips that you could provide.

  10. Ill give you a special ed perspective if you need it!

    1. LOL! I will keep you in mind and let you know if I need any more people to take a look at the products (-;

  11. Michelle,
    I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm new to TpT (your freebies are amazing!!) I teach K and if you ever need another "tester" just let me know :)

    Jessica Stanford


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