


 I have been working on my sensory classroom recipe book (almost finished) and I have created a ton of clip art for the files. The recipe pages will allow teachers or parents to paste a picture on the recipe page of their results. I have also incuded a notes page for any revisions to recipes that teachers think of. This will be a book that you can print out, bind, and keep on hand in your more searching for hours to find sensory recipes or how to's.

 I am really excited to get it finished and published - hopefully tomorrow. I have a day to myself and I can completely focus - so long as my cat, Bella, doesn't throw anymore "attention getting" fits. She has become an annoyance every time I work. She will actually lay right on top of my wacom tablet, keyboard, my hand, my mouse, or shove her way between my desk and my lap to sit right in front of my face. When I move her, she has actually begun to throw tantrums by using her paws to pull the papers and files off and out of the organized racks! And....she'll be looking at me the entire time. I have found that she really does not like the sound of the dust off spray for my computer, so I now keep a can next to me and I spray it when she begins to get too needy. The other day, I didn't have a can next to me so I pretended to pick up a bottle and make the sizzle-hiss sound  - and - sure enough, she ran for her life...funny little kitty!

Here are some FREEBIES you can grab from the file I am working on. I will not use all of them, but they are still for PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Thank you so much for visiting & I could really use some followers (-:

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - 
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  1. Hi, these are such cute boarders! thanks for the share. Your cat sounds very funny- sometimes I have that problem with my dogs and now have some paw prints on some of my resources!!!

  2. I just found your blog and can say honestly that you rock! I adore these frames, but would love to know how to insert text. Would you be able to tell me? Love your stuff!

    Amy in VA


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