

One More Day to Get The Teachers Pay Teachers Custom Blog Design Package & $100 in FREE Clipart

I hope you all had a very nice holiday with your families and friends & you are enjoying the rest of your time off!!

I had a really nice Christmas and was surprised to get a NEW camera from my husband and the kids this year... However, my mind has been a bit pre-occupied with the health and well-being of my nephew and my sister.

For Christmas, my nephew had to undergo open heart surgery and he is still struggling with every breath. His esophagus is swollen and doctors have been struggling to figure out why he is still struggling to breathe. They are unsure what is specifically causing the swelling and they are forced to keep the little guy on steroids to help him breathe until they can determine the underlying problem. It was the swelling that actually got him admitted and life-flighted to RADY's Children's Hospital in San Diego. After being admitted, doctors discovered that Jackson's aortic valve in his heart was swollen and causing him to suffocate.. or so they thought. After the heart surgery, the swelling to his esophagus has still continued and his doctors are fervently trying to determine what is causing the swelling.

At only 6 months old, Jackson is back in the hospital and continues to be in a lot of pain. Because my sister lives about 2 hours away from Rady's, she was given a room at the Ronald McDonald House across the street for her prolonged stay, but had her laundry STOLEN after she was called back to the hospital on Monday when Jackson stopped breathing. When she got back to the McDonald House, all of her clothes were gone but whoever stole them, at least, left Jackson's clothes and blanket. I could not believe that someone would do that!!

We continue to pray for both of them and I am asking that you place my sister and her son on your prayer lists as well. So many of you have reached out and asked me how you could help them both. A professional photographer will be setting up a Go Fund Me account, but I am not sure when that will be up and running. I will make sure to share the link as soon as I have it. I believe the photographer will be taking pictures of them today. What a blessing that will be for them both!! Feel free to print the pic above, stick it in your Bible or on your fridge as a reminder to pray for baby Jackson this week.

Thank you so much for your support and your continued prayers for my sister and nephew!!

I was actually just going to post a little reminder that the last day to order the Teachers Pay Teachers Custom Blog Design Package is tomorrow, but with so much on my mind, I couldn't seem to hold back and not ask as many as I can to begin praying for my nephew and sister.

My Ultimate TpT Seller's Package includes $100 towards ANY of my clipart sets for you to pick out, a FREE coordinating TpT Shop Banner, and a FREE Facebook cover as well. A total of $150 worth in freebies!! Although January is completely full, I have openings in February and March... but they won't be there for long!! You can check out my QUEUE to see available dates before you place an order.

Well, I have a ton of work to get caught up on at the moment, so I will leave you all for today!! Thank you so much!!

I ALMOST forgot!! Everything in my TpT Shop is marked down until the 31st!! Happy Shopping Everyone!!


  1. I will be praying so hard for your sister and her sweet son, the doctors- and all of you, Michelle. <3 I know that is the only thing on your mind and heart right now. PRAYERS and ((HUGS)) to you all for a complete and speedy recovery.

  2. I totally feel what she is going through :( Our little one has issues with his esophagus, also. He was born with tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia. His airway will swell and close shut after any procedures or bad illnesses (he's coded twice on us, luckily both times we were at the hospital), and had to be given LOTS of steroids as well!! He has tracheomalacia, and that's what the collapsing and swelling comes from, in his case (due to his TEF/EA diagnosis). Did they do an aortopexy (sp?), then? I'll be thinking of her and her little one!! I know how tough it is!!! These little guys are tough!! <3 **prayers**

  3. Michelle -

    I am so sorry ... You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Our whole Bible study has added Jackson and your family to our prayer vine.

  5. Oh Michelle! I came by to look for your email {which I couldn't find btw} and I am so glad that I did...PRAYING fervently for your sister & nephew...even down to God providing new clothes for them! Thank you so much for sharing here...praying they find the root reason for your nephew's issues and can treat it QUICKLY & THOROUGHLY! Please let your sister know there are prayers being lifted up on her behalf!...if you get a chance, can you give me an email address...just had a suggestion if you ever plan to do an update of the Hello Planner {which I LOVE!!!!!!!!} Blessings for you and your family!
    The Apple Basket Teacher

  6. Happy New Year and I pray that Baby Jackson and your family have health, peace, joy and love!! I have an international prayer chain and I am adding your family now!!!


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