

Friday Five: Freebie, Find, Funny, Frazzle & Feature!!

I accidentally scheduled this post for Saturday instead of yesterday (Friday), better late than never, right?? Feel free to grab the button above and any one of the images below and link up next Friday for Friday 5!!

This weeks Friday Freebie is a cute Gingerbread Themed Number set that will go along nicely with the "Ginger-bet" sets I have available. Actually, I was not creative enough to come up with that cute name, but my friend, Linda from Around the Kampfire came up with a cute nick-name for my Gingerbread themed alphabet sets. I dedicate this set to my talented friend, Linda!!

Here is the FREE Ginger-bers (how is that one..hahaha) set that you can grab from my TPT store. Thank you for all of your support, feedback, and friendships!! CLICK HERE
If you happen to grab these and like what you download, please feel free to pin it obsessively..haha

I find that setting a New Year's Resolution gets more difficult each year. This year, I don't want to set resolutions, but just continue to set small goals for myself... So here they are...
1. Personal: Grow Spiritually and take time in my day for prayer and reflection. I have had a tough two years personally and I have learned that taking time to pray and reflect will help strengthen my mind and bring peace to my heart.
2. Family: I would like to take a family vacation this year!! I have continued to build my online following and income & I would like to take my kids somewhere special by the end of this year.
3. Business: I just want to continue working towards success and being able to support my family. This online business adventure has already become such a blessing in my life and I will continue to work.
There are many other small goals that I want to accomplish, but I will spare you the details for now. I wouldn't want to jinx myself..hahaha I would like to have a fantastic blog party once I reach 2,000 followers! Not too far away!! haha

I am also part of a giveaway that you might FIND interesting..haha
The Polished teacher is celebrating a 250 follower milestone on her cute blog & there is plenty of time to enter the giveaway (-; Click the button below to check out her blog and enter the giveaway (-;
The Polished Teacher

This weeks funny is from an email I received from the Society of Illustrators! This is hilarious, but when I clicked on the link, I could not find the funny on their website, so I took a screenshot of my inbox. I included the artists info and you can click the link to visit the Society of Illustrator's website. I would love to visit New York and spend some time at the Art Museums!!

I am not really frazzled about anything. I guess I can say that I have too many ideas for the amount of working hours in my day. I wish I had super powers that allowed me to be "limitless" hahaha... (reference to the movie..pretty good actually).

Now for my Friday Feature from my collaborative Pinterest Bard this week. 

Congratulations Donna Miller!!
I love Donna's fun and creative bookmarks and cute sayings she creates in her store, but I have to say that this new product by her is my FAVORITE!! I LOVE Junie B Books! I do the best voice and loved reading the books to my classes and to my own kids. She has a cute resource and I think my graphics were the perfect complement to her product...not to brag or anything, but silly novels need silly graphics for sure..hahaha! The unit includes lessons to supplement a fun book study of a holiday Junie B. book.  
Donna uses a lot of my graphics and I love how creative she is with them! Click on the image to check out her TpT store. She does not have many followers....yet...but I have a feeling that you will fall in love with her as much as I have (-;
Jingle Bells, Batman Smells  -Junie B. Jones Christmas unit!

This is such a fun collaborative board and it continues to grow! If you would like to be added as a contributor, leave your Pinterest link below. As soon as you accept the invite, you can begin to share things you create using my graphics (-;

Well, that is it for FRIDAY (urrrr...Saturday) Five! You can being linking up next week if you would like to join in on the fun! (-;
Thank you for stopping by!


  1. LOVE the cute gingerbread numbers and the funny, thanks for making me laugh and sharing your wonderful creativity!

    Fun in PreK-1

    1. Thank you! I am glad you liked the funny...I got a good giggle from that one (-;

      Have a great weekend!


  2. Yipee! Ginger-bers! I love it, Michelle! They are absolutely darling and you are way too generous! Aw, thanks for the dedication! I will be pinning obsessively :)

    If you need anything for your big 2000 follower blog bash please let me know, I'd love to help celebrate you and your amazing blog!

    1. Hahaha!! SUH-PRISE!! tehehe!! Glad you like these (-;

      Thank you so much and I have to say that I read your last post on my ipad (which I don't comment from) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your New yea'rs writing project!! You are so creative my friend!!


    2. Aww, thanks, Michelle. You're pretty stinkin' creative yourself! I wanted to add your cute 3am Graphics button and the button for your Pinterest board using 3am graphics to my blog. But I can't figure out how to enter the code on my side bar. I could be remembering wrong, but did you do a tutorial on how to add buttons to your blog a while back? Sorry I'm so "challenged" in this department!

    3. Okay, I think I had a tutorial on how to create a blog button, but not to add one to the sidebar, but it is really simple.

      Highlight and copy all of the code under the button. Once you do that, go to LAYOUT on your blog, add a new GADGET> and choose to add HTML/JAVASCRIPT.

      Once the gadget window pops up, paste all of the code into the content area. You do not need to type anything into the title. Once you have pasted the code, Save the gadget. Preview your blog to make sure the button shows up properly. If it does, you can drag and drop that gadget to a place in your sidebar of your choice.

      If the button does not show up properly, come back here and make sure you copied all of the code. Sometimes you need to use the scroll to click upward to the beginning before copying the code.

      If I am rambling and not making sense, email me..hahaha


  3. Michelle,
    I love the numbers (and everything else you do)! Thank you so much for sharing!
    Pirate Girl's Education Invasion

    1. You are very welcome!! Thank you for stopping by - You are so sweet!!


  4. Love the gingerbread numbers! Thank you for sharing!
    Teacher Gone Digital

    1. Thank you & I am glad you like them...I know it is a little late for the theme, but gingerbread is good any time of year, right?? hehehe

  5. Thanks, Michelle, for featuring my Junie B. unit! You are right... your clip art was so PERFECT for this book! I am very excited to be featured on your blog. Happy New Year to you! I am looking forward to all the things you will create that make us all look good (well, at least our lessons, bulletin boards, bookmarks, etc.). Thanks again!

    1. Thank you! I love your resources and I am definitely a fan of Junie B.


  6. Thanks for including me in your Friday 5 post! I wish I could enter my own giveaway! I just love those backgrounds! The gingerbread clip art is adorable! They will be perfect for next year when I am student teaching! Love the Junie B. Unit too! Junie B. is my favorite character ever!


    1. You are very welcome and thank you for letting me be a part of your giveaway!! Congrats on reaching 250!!


  7. Love the gingerbread numbers! I just downloaded them...thanks!
    Buggy for First Grade

  8. Hi Michelle, I am a new follower and fan! I want to encourage you in your personal goal. I too find it so hard to devote time to reading and spending time with and for God. As I was listening to some devotionals one day, I ran across these words-placing God first and finding the time to devote to Him, blesses your day in such a way that you have MORE time to do additional tasks. Notice I said LISTENING. I like to listen to the Bible verses via an app called You Version Bible app. I would recommend this if you have a smartphone, and if not, you can go to their website ( Another encouraging motivator is a blog I follow, try it too ( It helps with daily readings. Let me know if this helps in your journey. Finding time is one reward, but we both know that the peace that comes with centering your life around God is a refreshing encouraging addiction. Stay focused, you can do it.

  9. Michelle,
    I have been a follower for a while and love reading your posts. I always appreciate your freebies. New Year's resolutions are hard...I decided to focus on trying to be more joyful in every situation I find myself in. We had a guest speaker at church give an excellent sermon on joy last week and it's really stuck with me. Anyways, I would love to be part of the pinterest board, too. My link is:

    Happy New Year!

    Happy Literacy!

  10. Hi Michelle - I saw your gingerbread numbers on TPT - super cute. I could've used them in Nov. when I made my unit....maybe I will update it with those for next year. So many possibilities. Great stuff. Hope your 2013 is awesome!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  11. Thank you for all of your AMAZING borders and clip art. I am so very greatful for your freebies! From one fellow teacher to another I wanted you to know that I appreciate all you do!

  12. Thank you again for all the great graphics. I will use them next Friday as I join your Friday Five Linky. I just want to say that I understand about difficult years. My last two years have been the most difficult of my life. Many mistakes as well as many challenges. Just remember...God will never give you more than you can handle. I questioned that at the time, but I'm freeing myself from my challenges, I realize how much stronger of person I am as well as a more kind and thoughtful person. I never would be the person I am today without those difficult times. I hope this helps you in some way as you are coming out of a couple difficult years as well. Good luck with your personal goal...that was exactly my goal as well!

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

    1. Thank you so much for such a positive message - that really means a lot! I definitely questioned God's intent this year, but I have had so many successes this year as well. I will definitely be praying that we both have a great 2013!!! Thank you for using my graphics!!!


  13. Thanks Michelle for all of your awesome graphics. I've been using your stuff since I began this adventure of blogging and TPT in July. I hope I can remember to join in on your Friday Five this coming friday! :)

    1. Thank you so much!! I just sent you an invite to the board and I am now following your blog!!
      I will spend some time reading in a bit (-;


  14. Hi!! I love your blog! I found you through Farley! I'm your newest follower!


    1. Thank you so much Heather!! Farley is Fantastic and I will make sure to send her a thank you (-;

      I am heading off to pay it forward and check out your blog link (-;


  15. Michelle,

    Your gingerbread numbers are just what I need to go with my big gingerbread unit. Love the color effect. Thanks so much for sharing your talent!



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