

The DAY AFTER 12-12-12! $50 Giveaway & Free Frames!

(Please feel free to grab the border above, but read through my Terms of Use before using the image. Please do not offer this image on your blog for free; however, you are more than welcome to link back to this image from your blog)

I feel like a neglectful blog host...I did not have ANYTHING planned for 12-12-12...even though I had tons of ideas... Sometimes, those thoughts can count (tehehehe). I decided that instead, I would do something spectacular the day AFTER 12-12-12. You think I would have been more on top of this.

That is alright, because I will make up for it with bribes..hahaha..just joshin' with ya!!

I have decided to have a giveaway!!! I know, it has been a while since I had one...that I actually hosted..hahaha.

I have been up to many things... and I am now offering Personalized Gift Certificates for my stores!! They are all holiday themed for now & would make the perfect...and I mean PERFECT teacher gift!! If some of you are parents and want to give your child's teacher a great gift, you may now get a gift certificate for my store and I will personalize it for you for FREE!! In a few weeks, I will have several design options for you to choose from. The certificates range from $5.00 all the way to a WHOPPING -MEGA -GIFT for someone special...$100.00!! Some student will be the teacher favorite this Christmas...hahaha

They also make great gifts for blogger besties, co-workers, or crafters! Even kids love these! Check out the diggs below...

 The gift certificates can be printed as is, printed and personalized with a hand-written note, or personalized by me. You can also choose to send these electronically as well. I like how they turned out (-; These can be redeemed for products at any one of my online stores. If your purchase is more than the amount of the gift card, I will generate a discount code that you will be able to use at checkout. I hope these bring happiness to the people you love... 

I have also included a cute freebie inside the download file for the purchaser of the gift certificate as a thank you (and I am not bribing you...not yet anyway).I have already sold a couple ...THOUSAND...hahaha...(remove 998 sales from that thousand). Look closely at the poster above and see what a personalized gift certificate look like (-;

The gift cards can be purchased at my Etsy shop!!
Here are a few of my newest clip art additions, just in case you want to put a gift card on your own wish list...


One more thing I have added is a newbie for Spring:
Here is my Butterfly Life-Cycle Reading & Writing Activities as well as my new butterfly life-cycle clip art set... I will be changing the cover designs soon - I am not liking the look.. hahaha

My newest product is full of fun literacy activities for grades K-2 (possibly older for Special Education)
I even designed and crafted a REALLY cute butterfly book template in the shape of a butterfly wing. I actually put it together, but couldn't get my camera to load...maybe I will share it a little closer to Spring.

And the Digital Clip Art set!!

Well, I am not trying to shovel products into your heads (well, I sort of am). I am REALLY getting you excited because......I AM HAVING A GIVEAWAY!!!

In honor of the DAY AFTER 12-12-12, I am going to give away 2 (that's right) - TWO $50.00 gift certificates to my store! So start putting things on your list because 2 of you will win $50.00 to shop til' you Drop...Clip Art Style - YEAH BABY!!

There are only a couple of things to do to enter:

1. Follow me on FB
2. Follow my Blog (of course - that one was a given)
3. Leave a comment telling about a time you regrettably forgot a VERY important date.... Like I did with 12-12-12..hahah

Only three teeny things to do to enter. The Giveaway will be open until Saturday and the winners will be announced this SUNDAY!!  The winner MAY choose to give the gift certificate as a gift to someone else.
 DATES: December 13th (THE DAY AFTER 12-12-12) to December 15th. 

WAIT..but that is not all... After you enter using the Rafflecopter, scroll to the bottom of this post to link up to my  Teachers Pay Teachers store and grab a set of FREE frames!!

I hope you don't still feel neglected..hahaha

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Grab a FREE set of Frames by clicking on the image below!!


  1. I am actually guilty of forgetting my bestie's birthday! :(

  2. I have forgotten my wedding anniversary...twice.
    Thanks for the opportunity!


  3. What an awesome giveaway! I am very forgetful. I'm sure I have forgotten something big... But, I've forgotten what it was ;)

  4. I forgot to make a big deal for my mom's 50th. :( Lucky for me she was happy.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Every time I call the doctor's office to make my little girl's doctor appointments, I forget her birthdate. I forget it every time!

    Great giveaway!!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  6. I'm guilty of forgetting MY own birthday one year! It's in September, with the beginning of the school year and coaching soccer I totally forgot :/


  7. Totally forgot to do the calendar yesterday with my kids…Bad, bad teacher. I wonder if I can get away with making yesterday be today? HMMMM…and as always, Love your stuff!

  8. Love your stuff! Hope I win! Happy Holidays!!

  9. I forgot my mother's birthday last year:( Yikes!

  10. I forgot my brother's birthday a few years ago...yikes!


  11. I forgot which day was a jean day at school. I had to have my hubby bring a change of clothes for me. We only get to wear them on payday Fridays, and only if we pay a dollar to United Way. With direct deposit and no paystub, I forget which week we get paid. I mark a calendar now!
    I love your clipart, so I hope I win.
    Learning in Bliss

  12. I forgot our anniversary one year. Luckily so did my husband.

  13. Forgot to say I've forgotten my daughter's birthday one year! Didn't wish her happy birthday until late. :(

  14. I'm usually pretty good about it, but I've come close to forgetting!

    Fifth in the Middle

    1. And I'm feeling silly because I can't find the image for the free download! :/

    2. FYI to other having troubles - If you are in Firefox, the swirly frames don't show. But if you are in Chrome, they do.

  15. I forgot my dad's birthday... but luckily I needed to call him about something else that same day, and when he picked up the phone the first thing he said was 'Oh, I thought you had forgotten!' so I was able to bluff my way through! Terrible daughter.

  16. I forgot to pick my husband up from the airport after a week-long business trip. Even though I'd anticipated his return pretty much after he left, it just slipped my mind that day. Imagine my surprise when he rang the doorbell after taking a cab home! I felt like such a jerk.

  17. I forget which days I have duty EVERY SINGLE TIME!! Thank god for my calendar reminder on my phone.

  18. I am awful at remembering birthdays. So I could pick any one of my 6 siblings and say I have forgotten their birthday ... and it would be true. :-)

  19. I love, love, love your graphics!!!

  20. I regret to admit that I missed my fiancé's birthday more than once....uhh oh...

  21. I forgot to wish my hubby a happy birthday, until my kids reminded me in the afternoon. Opps!

  22. Whoops - forgot to pick up my children at school one day.....

  23. Mom and dad's anniversary. I can't seem to remember which day in November it is.

    Christina :)
    Check out my blog!
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  24. I am kind of like a guy in this way - remembering anniversaries is not my strong suit. I always remember our anniversary, just not as quickly as my husband.


  25. I thought that I had planned everything for my sub for the end of this week and all of next week. BUUUUT, I realized that my 3 new students that came in last week don't have their login information for the computer lab. Whoops! I forgot to make their cards. =\

  26. I can never remember the year that my kids' were born - well except my oldest cause for some reason I can remember 1999. With the other three I have to figure it out by subtracting their current age from the year lol! You'd think that just remembering the year would be easier!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten


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