

Funny Puppy: The Hungry Chihuahua & a THANK YOU graphic for you!

First things First, I woke up this morning to a TON..and I mean a TON of Thank you's for freebies on TpT!! You are all so awesome!! I was in complete shock  -  I had no idea that so many of you actually read through my ramblings!!  Thank you so much - You all made me feel very loved and appreciated!! Just to show my appreciation, I made a cute little graphic for all of you. I even added a little splash of glimmer and some sparkling bling to emphasize how excited I was to read all of the thank you love!!The graphic also sets the tone for the video of my Hungry Chihuahua.
Feel free to use it or pass it along
(so long as it is linked back to the source of course)

Well, the fact that I have two cute puppies is no surprise to any of you, but not many of you really know much about my Chunky Chihuahua. I picked her up when she was just three weeks old in front of a Wal-Mart about a week before our first Christmas in Arizona. A girl, about 12 or 13, was standing out in the front trying to get rid of the dogs. She told me that her dog kept getting pregnant and that they didn't have time to get her fixed before she went and got herself knocked up again (I added my own words for dramatics..haha). I took her in my hand and that little white Chihuahua had me at, hello. At the time, we had another puppy (a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix) and I thought that Roxie would make the perfect companion to our little black and brown B.J.  BJ has since passed away, but Charlie has filled the void for Roxie. 

To get on with the purpose of my puppy story...All you need to know is that my little chunky Chihuahua can EAT!! We recently bought some dog treats called Pup-eroni (or something close to that) and I have never seen her eat something so fast in my life!! She is able to gobble one of these up in seconds, while Charlie takes his time and savors his. We even have to keep her away from Charlie when he is eating his treat, because that little chunk cleverly distracts him while stealing his! Anywho, I finally decided to get it on video! Please ignore the annoyance of my is weird to hear my own voice..I have no idea why, but I apologize ahead of time..LOL Now watch how fast our Chunky Chihuahua can eat...or rather...GOBBLE up her treat...
The 3AM Teacher

Enjoy the midnight matinee! Thank you for visiting!!


  1. Replies
    1. No, I don't see how she can even taste it, but we get a kick out of watching her..hahaha

  2. I am glad I am not the only one with pets who eat treats like they have never had food before in their life. My cat eats treats in one bit and I am not sure she chews. :)

    Thinking Out Loud

    1. Hahaha!! I know! I had my dogs outside with me when someone pulled up to ask for directions (which happens a lot where we live) and she said...woah...your little Chihuahua is healthy... I almost got offended and was ready to defend my little chunk..hahaha

      I know mine only actually chews to get it to fit in her mouth..hahaha

  3. Cute! I am weird

    For some reason I try to match up peoples' voices in my head to their picture and somehow I completely missed the boat on yours

    I can't though I sound like a 10 girl when I talk so.....

    Pocket Full of Kinders

    1. Hahaha...I do the same thing.. It is so weird to actually hear someone's voice that you have only chatted with true!! I don't think my voice matches me at all...I have no idea what God was thinking, but I do have a good singing voice that I rarely use anymore..LOL

  4. I have a chunky Chihuahua, too! Spencer is 8 and totally spoiled!

    Such a cute video. :)

    Making It As A Middle School Teacher

    1. How funny! Roxie is about 8 years old as well....geeze, we have been in AZ since 2004..HOLY COW!!

  5. How cute is your little guy:) I think I kinda eat like! Maybe that's my chunky issues....hmmm...anywho, that dog on your freebie is totally adorable and would be a super cute set....hint, hint.....let me know if you do that....I'll be first to buy it;)

    4th Grade Frolics

    1. Thanks Tara, but I HIGHLY doubt you can beat Roxie..bwahaha! I have a dog set in the workings and he is actually from the set! I have 2 puppies in a bubble bath, a puppy under the couch, and some accents so far. I am working on making sure to include special dog breeds as well. I am hoping to finish the set next week...
      I will definitely let you know (-;

  6. Too cute! Love both the clip art and video!
    Happy New Year!

  7. So cute, my in laws dog is an eater like that I am always stunned. Thanks for sharing so fun. I love your work you are so talented thanks for sharing.

  8. That is hilarious! I thought my chunky dog was quick with the treats! Geez!
    Writing Pad Dad

    1. Thanks, we get a kick out of watching her..hahaha. My son thinks that I shouldn't call her Chunky Chihuahua because I might hurt her feelings..heheh

      Thanks for stopping by -Have a Very Happy New Year! What do you three have planned??


  9. Darling doggie! I'm so glad she has a loving home with lots of treats. :)
    I Want to be a Super Teacher

    1. Thank you Katie!! We definitely love her, but maybe a little too much..hahaha

      Happy New Year to You and your Family!!

  10. Love your puppy stories! We have a toy RED poodle named, Lola, and she is the sweetest little thing! She too, is loving her treats, can be a little picky!!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  11. Thank you for sharing! This reminds me of Domino and Georgie our toy poodles. Georgie is a brat-he steals Dom's toys and snacks!

  12. Thanks for sharing Michelle!
    Your puppies are soooooo cute. I have a chunky weiner dog who eats up his treats in a hurry because he doesn't like to share.
    Have a wonderful New Year!!!

  13. Love the dogs! My Chihuahua is a begger and LOVES food. Your Roxie is adorable and that is so funny how fast she ate that!

  14. Oh my, too funny!! My pup can chow down pretty fast too, but he's a lab/beagle mix so I think I would expect that out of him! Yours are super cute. I love the wagging tail. SO happy. :) Happy New Year!

    Primary Teacherhood

  15. Hi Michelle - dogs are the best for sure! Love them...I came by to wish you a Happy New Year. Hope it's wonderful Michelle!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After


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