

2012's Blog Best & Brightest!! Something New & a Few Free Backgrounds!

I am linking up with Christina. Bainbridge @
Bunting Books and Bainbridge
To join in on the fun of reviewing the best and brightest blogger moments of 2012!

My Most Popular post this Year is my post labeled: It's A-L-I-V-E!!! & a Freebie...
This post contained my PDF or Portable Download File that I created, which included a list of most of the FREE frames and borders I had posted on my blog! This file was so popular that it was featured on several big network blogs and people seem to really like the freebies!! hahaha
On TpT, I have over 65,000 downloads of my Free frames and Borders; however, I realized that I only have about 200 thank you's...that is a lot of UNthankful people...bwahaha! Thanks a million to all of you who do take the time to write a little, "thank you" for the freebies I post and upload onto TpT! It really does mean a lot to know that my hard work can produce smiles and joy! I hadn't realized how many people don't say thank you. Knowing this makes me extra blessed by those who take the time to leave some kind words...thank you to the THANKFUL..hahaha! Just because I may put something up for free, does not mean that it was easiest to create or that it was not the best quality. I always try to put forth my best and offer good quality freebies that you will actually use - I have a giving heart and your thank you's and excitement is the best complement someone can give!!
This year has been full of ups and downs. I laughed with some of you, I cried with some of you & I joined many of you to celebrate milestones and giveaways. A couple of my blogging friends lost loved ones this year & their well being is always on my mind.  I am so proud to know how many of you rise, without even blinking, to help when someone is in need and even if they don't ask. I love that we are here for one another, to bring each other up, and to celebrate in each others successes. 

I have so many wonderful blogging friends who have had amazing successes this year as well! Krista & Julie from Reading Olympians reached their goal this year and have had tremendous growth and success with their program! Come mid January, The Reading O girls and I are going to be "Passing the Reading Torch" with a really fun linky! We will have the sign up for the linky up in a couple of weeks and I am really excited for this one!

Deanna Jump, the sweetest darn TpT millionaire, made headlines all over the place & brought a wave of positive attention to teachers who are not just teachers, but who are professionals in their field and published authors helping people around the globe!! Many successful TpT sellers have had to struggle with some jealous co-workers or ignorant comments from the public who believe that teachers should not make money for their professional knowledge and talent...I say BOO TO YOU who BOO MY FRIENDS!! They are the most dedicated and hard-working men and women I know & I am SO PROUD of their accomplishments! I love working with other women and men who go to great lengths to put forth their very best of themselves!! 

Erica Bohrer from 
is one sweet lady of whom I am always inspired by. She published another book through Scholastic this year and I see her influence all over the education blogging world! Congratulations Erica!!! She is another blogger friend who is whole-heartedly dedicated to her work and contribution to education! Her heart is bigger than TEXAS and her talent is...well...UH-MAZING! 

I could go on and on... I will give mention to one more friend...
My ARIZONA B-Gal Pal (B stands for blogger..hahaha) has soured to the top ten list on TpT in the state of Arizona and she has more than surpassed her goals! Congratulations Linda, from
I am so excited for the successes you have had this year!!  Her resources are well put together and I LOVE her creativity!!! Thanks for making me laugh, friend!! more... duo actually. This is a husband and wife FIREBALL blogging team!! They are such a cute couple and I loved working with both of them this year!! Meet Katie & Justin Knight...I am amazed by their talent and dedication & I am obsessed with both of their blogs! Katie is also very lucky, because her other half  is quite the chef!! I love Katie's giving heart and nurturing words as much as I love Justin's humor and his boldness to take on subjects in education that many bloggers might tend to shy away from! I am so glad to know you both!!

Teacher to the Core     
Another ongoing piece of goodness is my Frosty Linky....
I had a huge positive response to my, "Frosty Takes on the Globe" linky and Frosty is now making his way across the United States! He is visiting classrooms all over the world and allowing us to connect with each other and take a peak into the lives of hard-working teachers and their blossoming students. 
 As this year comes to an end,  I am finally happy with my own personal blog design - I have to say that it has continued to develop into something quite spectacular really. I am always learning more and discovering how technology can transform something ordinary into something exquisite!

The very last accomplishment for this year is my newest digital background sets, which I call...
I uploaded several sets yesterday, as well as a full-blown mega set with 190 backgrounds to choose from!! I know from personal experience this year, that the cover pages of your products make the initial impression on someone browsing for resources and products! If you can "flash" them a little bit, then you have a better chance to increase your sales. What is a better way to flash potential buyers than with my CUTEST BACKGROUNDS EVER...tehehehe!!!  I included all of my favorite colors in this set (minus grey) & I love how colorful it is!
You can find this set, along with the smaller sets, on...
You can also purchase them directly from me by sending me an email... Sorry, I have not put these up on my blog store just yet. With a 91MB sized file, you can imagine the time it takes to wait for this baby to upload onto these sites...hahaha... 
Here are a few FREEBIES from this set that didn't quite make the cut. I actually created them specifically for all of you.. Enjoy!

Please read my TERMS OF USE before using any of my graphics for personal and/or commercial use... thank you! 

Have a Safe & Happy New Year!! Thank you for visiting!


  1. Michelle, you are the sweetest friend ever!! Thank you so much for the shout-out and kind words, it truly means a lot. I've learned so much from you and I truly appreciate and value your friendship! You have a heart of GOLD girl!

    Hugs and cheers ;) and a happy and prosperous new year to you, sweet friend!


    BTW, Are you still planning a sister set of numbers to go with your Ginger-bet(ha! ha!) sets?

    1. Thank you Linda!! I love your stuff and I am so amazed at how fast your store has taken off!!
      And yes, Ginger-bet numbers will be ready for my Monday post..haha! I will just email them to you tomorrow... I am going to email Krista with a finished Greek set...WOO HOO and I will send over the ginger-bets at the same time (-;

      Happy New Year!!

  2. I so totally love reading your post you are what enjoying what you do is all about. I wish I had your courage to post my things on TPT, I make stuff all the time but just afraid to put it out there thinking people will think its silly. Maybe one day~ thanks for always sharing your ideas, and of coarse all the free stuff! You Rock!

    1. Thank you so much!! I woke up this morning to read a bunch of thank you's posted on TpT for the freebies!! I was so excited!! There are so many great freebies out there and I think it makes people a little sad when there are a ton of downloads, but little feedback...

      You definitely should open a store. There are so many helpful teachers on TpT and a forum that will allow you to post things to get some feedback before actually putting it up for sale. It is scary at first, but the friendships I have made through blogging and TpT completely wiped away those initial fears.

      Happy New Year & let me know when you open your store (because I know you will)


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You are amazing. I really do love you! Thank you for shouting out and loving us up!!! We love you right back. Justin is going to freak when I tell him about your post! I can't tell him now because he is the sensible one and has gone to bed. BUT not me... oh no! Mrs.-Party-All-The-Time-Party-All The-Time likes to be up late blog stalking and eating cookies!

    I hear you about the ungreatful, freebie takers... freaks me out acually. I posted my election freebie....18,000 downloads 47 thank you's... If only those 18,000 has followed me.... I'd be soooo cool!

    Well, let me say on behalf of everyone who downloaded your freebie, but "forgot" to say thank you....
    I will say it for them. Thank you for one of the best freebies ever. I am going to go download it right now!!!! It really is AH-MA-ZING-A-LING!

    We are all lucky to know you! Happy New Year & thanks for making my day!!!

    1. I did freak! And, I was wondering what happened to all the cookies when I woke up this morning! Mystery solved!
      Writing Pad Dad

    2. Hahaha!! You two are so wonderful & I love the relationship you share! Hahaha...Katie, partying into the night and eating cookies made me laugh...and want to eat a cookie..haha

      One of the major benefits of getting the thank you's is also seeing who is downloading the item. It is nice to see that there are real people downloading our freebies & if they all did follow....holy batman!! I would be at nearly 70,000 followers....hahaha I had a TON of thank you's this morning, which was so nice to see and also a little embarrassing to know that people really do read my posts..haha!

      I am so glad I met the both of you!!!

      Have a very Happy New Year!!

  5. Does Frosty need to come to So.Cal? He can spend a day or two with me, then go to Teeny Tiny, the Miss Kinder all in the same week... Oh my gosh, I'll take him to Disneyland!!!!!

    1. WOO HOO!! Did you know that California is actually last on the list?? I can easily add you to the end if you would really like to have him visit?? Just email me and I will give you the info (-; The pictures that have been posted with him are so cute & I am getting a lot of positive feedback from the teachers..of whom..many are going to start a similar tradition in their own classrooms!

    2. Yes! Add me! Add me! I really want to take him to Disneyland!

  6. sorry that should say "then" go to Miss Kinder...maybe commenting while tired is like drunk dialing, and to be avoided...

  7. Michelle- just a little note to say thank you from a teacher in California who is inspired by your creativity and generosity. I always enjoy reading your blog and as a teacher I understand how much time it takes and how hard it is to not only create things, but to upload them on to the computer. You rock, Girl! Thanks again! Julie

    1. Thank you so much, Julie!! I grew up in Southern California and I miss it everyday!! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment & have a very Happy New Year!!


  8. Michelle!
    Thanks for the shout-out! The work you did on my blog looks so great! BTW, your new backgrounds are so cool! Happy New Year!
    Writing Pad Dad

    1. Thank you Justin!! I noticed that you have a new recipe, but I haven't had the time to check it out...until now!! I am loving your blog posts!!!


  9. Thanks for linking up Michelle! I *SO* agree with what you said about TpT. Shame on others who feel like it is their place to criticize the success that TpT is bringing to teachers! And, I'm always totally bummed about the lack of comments on freebies too! You said it very well... with just a tad bit of serious humor!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

    1. Thank you Christina!! It wasn't really where I was planning on going with the post, but when inspiration calls, I can't just ignore it..hahaha! Thank you so much for putting this together!

      There are a lot of sellers on TpT who mention that if only they had as many followers as the number of people who download their freebies.... or, I have so many downloads and only 3 comments...

      I really did think about how we really should be more diligent about saying thank you to those that put their work into a resource they offer for free. I can't tell you how many times I downloaded a free resource while teaching and how much help it was at the time. I was soooo surprised to wake up to the many thanks on TpT!! Holy Cow!! I hope this is a blessing for many (-;

      Thanks again & have a Happy New Year!!

  10. Thank you for the FREEBIES! From now on, I will send a positive comment to every blogger who shares some free stuff Thank you for reminding me how hard all the bloggers work...I needed that little "slap on the wrist"! (:

    1. I have also needed a slap on the wrist myself..hahaha... I think those freebies often get us so excited that we forget that someone actually put some sweat into them..hahaha..

      Thank you so much!! Have a very Happy New Year!!

  11. Like everyone above me, I'm so sorry people aren't giving you feedback when you've been generous :( I think sometimes it takes someone experiencing that feeling before they get it. I know now as soon as I hit download I go ahead and give feedback so I won't forget. Love your frames and will definitely be checking them out!

    1. I never really thought about it until recently after looking at how many downloads there were of certain freebies. It actually made me realize that I also need to make sure that I say thank you for the freebies I download as well...

      Thank you so much for the sugar!!

  12. Michelle, I think you are wonderful, talented, and extremely generous! I am so grateful for all of the freebies you provide. Thank you so much!

  13. Thank you for the so sweet shout out! <3 you!!!!

  14. Michelle, I am so lucky to have gotten to know you this year and have used you wonderful products.. you are a true talent but also a great person to talk to and amazing friend! I have met many people blogging and through our teacher stores, but you are one of the realest people out there... so very genuine and I thank you for everything!!! Xoxo here's to a wonderful 2013!! And tons of success to you!!

  15. I follow you religiously and actually JUST found out I could post on free items on TPT! So I don't think people are unthankful, just misinformed! Thanks for all you do for us and the blogging community!

  16. I am totally thankful for your freebies, and your nonfreebies as well! You are an extremely talented woman and I am sure your fame is only going to grow in 2013!
    Fun in 1st Grade


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