Interactive Iditarod-Themed Bulletin Board Set
Note: The bulletin board set can be adapted to suit any grade level. The
activities in the file are geared for grades K-2.
year in the state of Alaska, people from all over the world watch and celebrate
the famous dog-sled race called, The Iditarod. After watching a series about
the Iditarod, I came up with the idea to incorporate this into my March reading
used the board to track students’ reading goals; however, the set is made in
such a way that you can really adapt it to meet your personal classroom needs.
As you track the Iditarod race in the month of March, you can track reading
progress (through a book study, a reading goal, or reading minutes) using the
pieces provided in the file.
Bulletin Board Set Title Words
Giant Map Assembly with Instructions
Iditarod Race Reference Map (full color)
Glyph Assembly & Suggestions for Use
Student Dog-sled themed Name Cards
Giant Musher Glyph & dog Printables
The Iditarod Race Checkpoint list in
Giant Map Assembly with Instructions
Iditarod Race Reference Map (full color)
Glyph Assembly & Suggestions for Use
Student Dog-sled themed Name Cards
Giant Musher Glyph & dog Printables
The Iditarod Race Checkpoint list in
Chronological Order
Check-point word cards
Start and Finish glyphs
Large Printable bulletin board Graphics
Iditarod-Themed Writing Paper
Iditarod Acrostic Poem Template
ABC Checkpoint
Student Worksheet (one version)
The Iditarod Trail Student Book Project with Teacher Instructions & Student Book Pages
Check-point word cards
Start and Finish glyphs
Large Printable bulletin board Graphics
Iditarod-Themed Writing Paper
Iditarod Acrostic Poem Template
ABC Checkpoint
Student Worksheet (one version)
The Iditarod Trail Student Book Project with Teacher Instructions & Student Book Pages
Here are a few of my Back 2 School Best Sellers:
If you can't seem to find something you are looking for here (or you want to fill your cart to the max for the TPT sale), HOP on over to the rest of the blogs and check out their product premieres & back 2 school best seller! Make sure to use the PROMO code displayed on the TPT sales button when you check out at TPT.

I can't wait for the sale! I'm having one, too!
Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
Mrs. Wheeler TpT
Oh this is SO cute Michelle!! Your money clipart is already in my cart :)
Rowdy in Room 300
Yikes- though I'm teaching 3rd this year, I think this pack will be perfect! I read Stone Fox every year to my people and this would be a great connection to the book.
*Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*
Love all your products!! I have added your blog to the list of blogs I follow on my teaching blog! :)
Tales of Teaching in Heels
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