

Clip Art Resources, jQuery for your blog & Some Goodies

Hi Everyone in Blog-land!!
As usual, I have been quite a busy lady - minus many compulsive hours on the Top Teachers Facebook Page...I can't seem to pry myself away from that puppy because I keep thinking that I will miss something. Darn Facebook. 
Despite the setback, I have still managed to complete several new clip art sets that I would LOVE for you to add to your collections...(wink, wink)

This set features pre-teens doing what they love best...just hanging out of course!! Actually, now that I think of it, if I did a graphic of my daughter, it would have a cell phone glued to it's face...LOL

Click the girls below to get this set. 

This next set is a fun one and at a great price - only $2.50 for 36 images; however, I can't get it uploaded onto TPT yet...wish I had my new store ready to publish...

Click the chihuahua to get some background freebies from my Photobucket page (-;

How cute and fun are those tacos??!!! Hahaha...they make me laugh!!

With TPT down the last few days, my sales have been pathetically low & I hope Paul gets it fixed soon. I do not typically post in the TPT forum because I tend to forget about it, but I visited it today and there were tons of topics on clipart....even an entire thread devoted to the topic (-; We even have a collaborative TPT clip art Pinterest Board...there is quite a selection (including my own of course) to choose from. This board has not made it to popular demand, but I would love for all of you to spread the word for the following Pinterest boards:

Mine (of course):

TPT Clip Art Board:

And I also have a collaborative board where those of you using my graphics in your products can showcase your stuff.. Send me your Pinterest Link and I will add you as an admin to the board...
Rules (there must be rules)

1. The product must contain my graphics on the fron page (as I do not want to deceive people into thinking that someone else's beautiful work is my own)
2. Must be something awesome...hahaha!! Have fun pinning away on this board because I LOVE to see how many different things can be created with my images.

Continuing on...while posting a response, I noticed that I had moved up in TPT collaborative status..woo hoo...

P.S. Did you notice the snazzy effect when you scroll over the image??? Huh, did ya?? Visit Spice up Your Blog to get the Jquery code...Once you add the code to your HTML blog template, all you have to do is add a picture like you normally would, switch to html and where it says, <div class will replace the word separator with effect1 (there are 5 effects to choose from). Pretty Awesome, right??

I have also done a little sprucing up to my blog as well!! Do you notice any subtle changes?? Do ya??? I will be changing my header soon, but if you have not already noticed, I have a more difficult time designing my own site...ugh! Isn't is funny how choices seem so permanent...until that is, you want to change them..hehehe I would love to know what you think...

On some good news (not that I had any bad news), I was asked to team up with Carson-Dellosa for a chance to be "The best blog of the Week!!" My turn will be featured around the first week of August on their FB excited!!

They have some new features available that they would like to share with everyone...
(I know, this sounds like a commercial, but I promise, it is actually very good news if you order products from them or are interested in ordering some products from them)

Check out the NEW Carson-Dellosa website!

Carson-Dellosa asked hundreds of teachers and parents how they wanted to shop online. Based on their feedback, their new and improved website now features:

· $5.95 flat rate shipping on all online orders!
· A powerful new search function that makes it easy to browse more than 4,200 items by keyword, grade, age, subject, learning need, product type and brand
· Faster checkout
· Wish Lists to create and organize the stuff you want the most!
· Social sharing so you can quickly share product information on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Google+

You should definitely take a look at their new site!!

Here are a couple of free backgrounds for you to use!! As always, please read my TOU located on the right sidebar and give credit to whom credit is due (-; These can be used for personal and/or commercial use (single user - no mass production)

I will be MIA for a couple of days because I am finishing up my Greek Graphics set...So excited about this one....I may be a little hard to reach as I have to really focus to get these finished (-;
These are ice-cream themed striped patterns...enjoy!!These will also be available on my Photobucket Album in a few days, so be on the look-out. Click on the Chihuahua head at the beginning of this post to link to my Photobucket album with freebies.

Peace, Love & Happy Thoughts...Thank you for stopping by my blog!!

If you love my graphics and would like to support my artistic habit you can add a donation by clicking the Paypal donation button at the top left sidebar of my blog!! As Always, thank you!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - Pin It


  1. Thanks for the freebies, Michelle! Your new graphics look great!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  2. Clicking the chihuahua didn't work for me! :(
    I love the chips and limes!!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  3. I make a lot of items with your graphics. I love how you have a pinterest board for that.

    I would love to post some stuff on there.

  4. I have nominated you for a blog award! Go to my blog and check it out!

    Sixth Grade Scribbles


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