
Welcome a Newbie & then some (-;

Just a VERY short post tonight. I have been reading the FB challenge questions on my FB page and they are flipping HILARIOUS!!! I love it. The challenge ends at midnight tonight AZ you still have about an hour (if it is wake time on your end of the world).

I've been working on a few custom graphic orders today, but I had a really bad day! Thank you to those of you who sent some sugar my way. You may not have known how much I needed it! I just feel trapped without a car right now and I am going stir crazy..and to top it off, the hubs is being...well...I will just say he hurt my feelings, which causes my to hide myself even deeper in my office chair )-; Reading blogs, emails & comments is a great way to lift ones spirits I tell you!! I feel like I have a whole other family I can connect with.

I  am also trying to think of a great craft for the Pinteresting Linky...I am so excited I signed up in time ..this time around!! I wonder who I will get. I have tons of yarn and tons of sewing/embroidery stuff, but I just can't seem to be able to make a solid decision...maybe tomorrow. I would love to know what everyone else is planning on making...maybe I can get some inspiration!!

Well, before I was about to close things down for the night, I checked my emails and noticed a comment that I couldn't ignore. We all remember what it was like to get your first few followers...I remember when some of you were helping me reach 20 - well, you all are totally awesome!! I want to introduce a newbie blog called First Upon a Time Please visit Mr. (Mike) Jones  - he is shooting for 5 followers, but I think we can def. do better than that!! He also has a really cute freebie posted that you might want to check out. 

Oh, I forgot to tell you that I actually WON a Giveaway!!! So, for my very FIRST win, I got a really cute POETRY  LAPBOOK created by Elizabeth over at Fun in Room 4B!! She is also having a giveaway (I won the pre-giveaway...giveaway...LOL) in a few days so be on the lookout (-;

Fun in Room 4B

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is the LAST day to sign up for my giveaway!! Better hurry, this one is a good one (-; You can find the post by clicking HERE.

Well, I think that's all folks...hehehe. Thank you for following!

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Facebook Challenge

A Quicky, but Goodie!!

I have posted a FB challenge, or rather, "Question of the week". 

Question: What is your most embarrassing teaching moment???

Link up if you dare take this challenge. If you are too much of a scaredy-cat, then you can always read mine...hehehe I am also including a gift for one lucky story...Head on over to join the fun!!!

Thank you for following!!


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New Sets, Shout Outs & Some Freebies of Course!

Hold on folks...this may be a long ride....I was on time-out yesterday and I am exploding with news...hehehe

I   have FINALLY completed the food and shopping sets..woo hoo!!  I was grounded from the office yesterday; including any technology because my hubs was feeling neglected. I had major blog and computer withdrawals. So for those of you who tried to contact me yesterday...sorry...I was put on a TIME-OUT!  LOL!!

Click HERE to check out this new set! Ye-Haw!!

Here is a FULL...Yes...I said a FULL Preview of the clip art that is in this collection. If you haven't noticed, I have been making sure to place all of the graphics in the collection within the preview file (I am sure I have a run on sentence...hahaha). I think the cart took me the longest to draw, but the kiddos took the longest to color. I always have the hardest time picking out color combinations & can sometimes spend more time trying to think of colors than I do drawing...LOL! I's the OCD.. (don't tell anyone - it's a secret).

Click HERE to check out the, "Shop 'Til You Drop" Set!

One Last Business Doozy before moving on...I have FINALLY revised the "you know who-inspired" graphics collection as well!! I removed any characters related to the Dr. and I combined all the black&white with the colored graphics into one file (they all fit this time...YEAH!!). My new set is called...

It's a Silly World!!

Let the sales begin!! 


Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics (one of my many fav's) is having a really fun lunch linky & Giveaway. She is almost at 1000 followers, so get on over there, follower her and join in on the lunchy fun! I helped her create a grab button for the linky & I got a chance to chat with her quite a bit on Sunday! I have to tell ya...she is quite the awesome-est!


A couple of days ago I received the sweetest email & I asked if it was alright to share her email and her resource with all of you and she was super excited...She does not have a blog...yet, but I am sure she will succumb to the peer pressure very soon (-;


Thank you so so much for making such amazing graphics for teachers to use! I'm a student teacher finishing up my placement (graduating in May with my M.T. -- hooray!), and have found all of your graphics such an amazing resource for me in making manipulatives, worksheets, anchor charts -- you name it! I was scratching my brain trying to think of a way to help my third graders with elapsed time (in VA, the standard for third grade is to the hour; not to cross over A.M. and P.M.), and it dawned on me that with them having just learned measurement, a ruler-type manipulative would work.

So I made the attached elapsed-time ruler for students. It can either be used with just hourly increments, or two pages can be printed and four strips strung together to make half-hour increments. I'm having my kiddos draw in the hands, the time, and write the time in words (another third grade standard). We'll use it to help us with our elapsed time activities (measuring the elapsed time *just* like with a ruler).

Anyway, I don't have a blog or a TPT store (so I can't post it myself), but I thought you'd get a kick out of it and could either use it or distribute it in the future.

Thanks so so much for all that you do!

- Sarah Plum

Just sooo sweet! Here is a picture she sent me of how she used the elapsed time worksheet in her classroom

Click HERE to download the FREE resource created by Sara Plum!! Since she does not have a blog, you can send her love right here under this post!! She has a bright future ahead of her!!

THANK YOU's/Honorable Blog Mentions (-; You are Golden!

I was presented with two awards and I want to honor these special bloggers who brought some smiles my way (-;

Rhonda @ Classroom Fun
A cute blog you must check out!

Classroom Fun


Two Crazy Texas Teachers (-;

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Make sure to check out these rockin' blogs!


To Teresa Wilson (no button yet) over @ Confessions of a Teaching Junkie!

Not only is she new to blogging and in need of some followers..she is also from ARIZONA!! Not just AZ, but really close to me...Woo Hoo. You must go check her out!

I was going to post a few Linky's that are going on, but I think I will save that for tomorrow!

These graphics are free for personal and commercial use. You MUST make sure to include my link in any product you create with my graphics. See my TOU for more information.

Thank you for following my blog and go get creative with your bad self!!

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Trauma! Life in the Ant Farm/ Q & needing A's/ Shout out? Freebies!!

I will have cute fruit in the shopping mini sets!! Above is a little sweet taste of the goodness!! Enjoy!!

Trauma in Ant Farm!

I am Having a Giveaway!!! & a couple Freebies

March Giveaway & Linky Party!!!!!

The Text above is for you to grab...(-;

I have joined several giveaways lately and I was going to do a blog post -  giving a shout out to several of you who are including products using my graphics. I decided it would be more fun to allow everyone hosting a giveaway, to link up all in one place!! If you are having a giveaway this month...then make sure to link up here!! I will be posting a giveaway tomorrow to celebrate Spring & 500 followers...AWESOME!!!

I think I want to see what 1 million followers looks like (-; Okay, I might just be pushing it...but a girl can dream...hehehe

You can copy, paste and use the pic above to link back to this blog post (-;

1. Blog about this Linky Party & Link back to this post
2. Add your blog and the url to your giveaway post to the Inlinkz below
3. I decided that you do not need to leave a comment, but you are more than welcome to  leave a comment if you want to ...

News Worthy...
I have so many things planned over the next couple of weeks! I am hosting a giveaway with my sister-in-law and...I am teaming up with another clip art artist (you may know who she is) to do something special!! I emailed her with an offer and she AGREED!!!! I will not tell you who, but she is pretty popular and many of you use her cute hand-drawn graphics...hint...hint... 

I am so excited that I have butterflies in my tummy!!!!

P.S. I helped my Hubby put together his own blog for our HVAC company in Arizona...(he was feeling left out I think). He is having a little bit of a struggle (okay...more than a little) trying to navigate and figure things out - he is NOT computer literate...who knew...hahaha

Please visit and become a follower of Frigid Air & leave a nice comment if you can, will make him feel special...hehehehe...(He is not aware of this post or the discounts...yet...hehehe)

Special Offer for AZ Residents: If you live in Arizona...and are in need of a summer maintenance, follow our blog and mention it when scheduling a maintenance & we will give you a summer maintenance for...

West Valley: Normally $69.00 (discount = $49)

Phoenix Metro & beyond: Normally $89.00 ($69.00)

Thank you for following my bloggity blog!!

Cute little freebie

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Chit-Chat, Some Kind of Onederful & My Tools (Freebies 4U2)

Well, I decided to take a few pics of my set up in my office. The office is the smallest room in the house, but it's where I spend the majority of my time. Right at the moment, I am in front of my screen and my husband is watching netflix on the floor...about to fall asleep. He graduated from waiting for me out in the living room, to waiting for me on the floor of my office...poor guy, but he doesn't like going to bed without me. I know...I'm horrible!! (but horribly focused).
Here is my Wacom tablet...and YES, I am a LEFTY!!! My pen has various attachments that I switch out depending on what I am drawing.

A Giveaway with JODI!!!

I have teamed up with Jodi over at Fun in First Grade
(Her blog is AMAZING!!)

Fun in First

to offer a great giveaway!! She has totally made me blush!!! Click on her button to go check it out- 
The winner will get my new Pudgy clip art set!!! The fun ends on Thursday, March 22nd!

Thank you for following!!

P.S. I will be double-dipping on my post today...I will have a few freebies!!

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SHOW ME THE MONEY: 3AM Graphics!!! Oh, & a FREEBIE

11:58 pm in Arizona and I have my money clip art collection completed!!! Two minutes before tomorrow (in my time anyway).
I have included 43 detailed U.S. Currency graphics for personal & commercial use. There is never a need to purchase an extra license; however, please read my Terms of Use BEFORE using any of my free or paid graphics in products you sell (-;

This set includes the front and back of a penny, a nickel, a dime, and a quarter in three forms (Color, black and white, and in a realistic chrome element) (300dpi png image format)

The set also includes the front (not the back) of a one dollar bill, five dollar bill, ten dollar bill, twenty dollar bill, fifty dollar bill & a one hundred dollar bill. These are also in three types: black and white, color, and a bill without the presidential portrait to use for your classroom resources! Below is a preview of all of the graphics included.
Get this set HERE
While creating the new currency collection, I decided to try the look in charcoal and I REALLY liked the look! Because these graphics have so much detail, the image files are very large & I have to keep the zipped files under 50mb for TPT. For this reason, I decided to create a Mini Set with the 14 graphics in the charcoal medium.

Everything you see is what you get in these sets...YEAH for better previews!! LOL! You can check out this set HERE

Now, I know all of you like the cutsie, but I just couldn't add more graphics to these sets. I am going to be finishing a "shopping themed" collection that will include a TON of really cute shopping graphics to complement the money clip art (-; I hope to have these finished some time tomorrow, but I keep getting a little side-tracked here and there...

One of my sidetracks was to create a cube template - so...I am going to give you this tonight as my freebie. I will leave the freebie up for two days for you to grab!! 
ENJOY!! There are so many fun things you can do with a cube!!

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