

FREEBIES...To Celebrate Patience

Well My Bloggity Marvelous Friends,

I was almost finished with my Soccer set...when low and behold, windows decides to give me a lovely little note (just because Win. knows that I can't retaliate... because I need my computer)...
This is what he said...(I will assume it's a explanation needed there)

To the lovely, wonderful, hard-working...Michelle... 

YOUR PROGRAM SEEMS TO HAVE STOPPED WORKING...& is going to force close...
We will let you know when "we" have found a solution ..

Oh has it windows pc (no caps because I am not feeling respectful at this moment...LOL). So lovely of you to let me know...I have a message for you as well...

Did ya get that??? Huh?? Did you get MY message???

Hahahaha!! Gotta love the good and the bad (except, I would rather have the good)

Here are some graphics I will give you to celebrate the good times I had today...As far as the bad...well, I didn't create anything during that time (right now)

Free for personal & commercial use...just give me some "street cred"...

For someone who can help: I have been looking for a gadget that I can use that will preview my best-selling items from TPT on my blog. I have looked and looked, but nothing yet. Please let me know if any of you have figured this one out...(-; This way, I don't have to remind new followers that I also have clip art sets on TPT.  Thanks a Bunch...


Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th -
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  1. OH I hate it when it does that to me!! HATE IT...
    I ran over to grab some freebies.... thanks
    I am still loving my mustache :)

    1. Hahaha!! I'm glad you stopped by! I am now wondering whether I should try again or not. The program is open...and I do have work to do..BUT...this crashing business is a creative party crasher!!

      Grab as many freebies as you like!!

      Thank you

      The 3AM Teacher

  2. oh no!! I HATE technology! lol...I wonder why it keeps crashing on you!?! It needs to STOP IT so I can see more of your fabulousness! lol

    ♥ Jen
    The Teacher's Cauldron

  3. Bummer!!!! Huge!!! I hate it when that happens!!! My computer freezes and shuts off too sometimes and I am sure it's because I have a trillion things downloaded from blogs and stores and it is over full!!!!! Lovin your freebies:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. Michelle, you are so talented--I love these (and all of your artwork). Thank you for everything!!

    I don't know if I've ever seen a widget like that for TPT...I wonder if there is one?

    Happy Sunday!

  5. AHHH! Your computer is not very friendly! Is that a pic of you! Such curly hair! I love it! Id do just about anything to get rid of my uuber straight hair.
    Well, as you know I cant help with TPT stuff YET... but Im working on it!
    Good luck with the computer!
    Oh- I need your address, can you email it to me:)WINK!
    Miss S

  6. Miss S.Feb 26, 2012 10:04 PM

    I just awarded you with a TOP 10 BLOG AWARD!

    Come check out my blog to see the post: Just Teaching...Kindergarten
    Check out this link so you can grab your button.. Top Ten Award

    Miss S
    Just Teaching...Kindergarten


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