

All the Doodles!

I can't tell you how handy my Doodle Letters have been in creating fun little cards (like the one above) for family and friends. I often mix and match letters from the sets I have made, but I am looking to add a few more colors and themes. 

I'd love to know what doodle letter themes you'd like to see added to my shop this new year. Let me know in the comments below and feel free to save the free Instagram image post graphic I created below as my gift to you. 

Layer doodle letters from the sets below or your own text to create a message of your own to share on your own social media account. Credit is not required, but I do appreciate credit or just tagging me (@3amteacher) to see what you created <3

Get my Doodle Letter Sets at a discount this week...use the links below purchase these sets if you don't already have them. 


Click the image below to grab a FREE social media post image background. The image is a square, so it works best for Instagram posts. Just upload the image or save to your phone, add text (or layer the image with doodle letters like I did) and post.

Credit is not required, but always appreciated when using this image as a background for social media posts. Please tag me in your posts (@3amteacher), so I can send you some love. If using the image as clip art in products, my normal terms of use applies.

Hope you're having a great weekend! 



When in Arizona, visit Bearizona

The last couple of years, my husband and I have made an effort to travel more, see more, and hike wherever we can. A lot of our "travelling" is really just seeing more of While visiting Flagstaff in the fall, we decided to do a hike (more to come about THAT hike in a later post) and visit Bearizona, which is located about 20 minutes from where we were staying in Williams, AZ. 

While driving around in Mesa and Tuscan, we always see signs for Bearizona. I really didn't know what it was, but a friend of ours suggested that while we were in Flagstaff we should visit. We decided to do just that and I am so glad we did!! Such a neat experience and unlike any other animal refuge I have ever visited before. 

ABOUT BEARIZONA (from the website HERE)

Bearizona is approximately 160 acres. Visitors will drive through more than three miles of Ponderosa Pine Forest viewing North American animals in natural habitats when they visit. More animals are exhibited in Fort Bearizona, a beautiful 20 acre walk-thru area, along winding paths which is more of a "zoo" type setting.

We really had no clue what to expect when we got there, but we had such an amazing time. The park allows visitors to DRIVE... yes I said that correctly.... DRIVE though their animal habitats. You get to see animals in their natural environment and driving through feels more like you are in their home, rather than seeing animals in cages. You can drive through the park as many times as you would like. We chose to drive through 3 times, so I could get more pictures. The first time, there were several cars, which made it difficult to stop and take our time. There was no one behind us the next two times and we could drive as slow as we desired through the park.

After the drive through area, we decided to park and walk through their park. They have a really nice restaurant, shopping and more animals to see throughout. We heard it is really pretty to see at night, but we will save that for another visit.

Here is a little video from the Bear exhibit area. SOOO COOL!!

A few Pictures from our visit... I wish I had taken more photos of the inside of the park to share with you all. We visited the park in October and the weather was perfection. The sun was out, but it was still cool enough for a sweater and jeans.

Nothing separates you from the animals, except for your vehicle. Makes for a very fun and nervous adventure at the same time. You are told to keep your windows rolled up while driving through the wolves and bear exhibits, however, I was a bit of a rebel and rolled down my window in order to get better shots of the animals. Upon coming around to the end of those exhibits, I was scolded both times by the teenage "rangers". They do watch your vehicles while you are driving through. LOL

The wolves were especially entertaining to watch. I am not sure if it was the nice weather or the time of day (about 10am in the morning), but they were really playful the entire time. I got a cute photo of one playing in his water as well (not shared...sorry - too many people on the internet steal good

I tried to get a good photo of each exhibit sign, so I would remember the names of the animals. but not every photo turned 
A few photos from the inside of the park. There were a lot of birds wondering the park and the ravens (or maybe they were crows) were some of the biggest I had ever seen.

This little guy below would not stay still long enough for me to get just a few good shots. Here is one of the better ones I took.

There were a lot more animals and features to see, but you will have to book your own visit to see the rest. It truly was a fun day and I am glad we decided to check out Bearizona! I will definitely visit again... once the weather is nice, of course. Even though Flagstaff is a bit cooler, I can't imagine any animals walking around when it's over 100 degrees out.

I hope you all stay cool - I am about to head out to the pool as we speak... lol
Have a beautiful day everyone.


FREE Digital Neon Spatter Papers - I'M BACK!!!



My summer has already been filled with fun family vacations, but I have been super eager to get back into creating! I have spent most of my time doing custom work for the last year, but I am not ready to start working on some of my own projects and getting some new clip art uploaded into my shops for all of you to enjoy! 

Thank you so much for all of your support and love over the years! This has been such an amazing journey - with so many ups and downs. Although I have not added new stuff to my shops for the last two years, I have been working on my health and spending more time with my family. Two areas of my life that seemed to get pushed aside when I was busy building my business. I have learned that BALANCE is everything and I don't always have to say yes (something that was really hard for me to learn). 

I would love for you to say hi and hear about how you have been doing! Make sure to drop a comment below <3 I hope to get reconnected with you all - I have so much to share about what's been going on in my life the last two years. 

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