

Christmas Came Early & A FREE background pattern and frame to grab!

Christmas Came Early, Indeed!!

I am completely loving this months gift!! The eye cream is amazing & the lip gloss is not just a sample!! It not only has a mirror, but also smells delicious!! The Minty chocolate fortune cookie was not so bad either. I got a craving for chocolate last night and split it with the hubs. I love these little Birchbox surprises...I get so excited to get them in the mail!! I will have to find something creative to do with the boxes, because I have accumulated a stock-pile and they are WAY too cute to get rid of... Do any of you (who get Birchboxes) do something creative with  them? I would love to hear about it.

My fortune: 
" The kindness of a stranger can make a world of a difference" How appropriate and true. The blogging world has had such a positive impact on my life and I am amazed by the kindness and goodness of  all of you!!

Here is a hint I can give to you as to who my secret partner is for the Holly Bloggy Gift Exchange. I am sharing a cute chevron background and a frame that I created for my gift with all of you. Feel free to grab these and use them. Please be sure to read my Terms of Use BEFORE using any of my graphics. 

You might have already suspected that my secret exchange partner may or may the color purple! hahaha!

Thank you for stopping by & I would love to hear about the worst gift you ever received from someone. One year, my husband bought me a sauce pan. I know what you might be thinking, but this particular sauce pan was purchased at the 99cent store! I wouldn't let him live that one down for a while - but that is not even the funniest part of the story!! That saucepan (which he paid about $3.00 for) has lasted the longest of all of our other "name brand" cookware!! Bwahahahaha!! He never lets me forget it!! hahaha

I know this post is very scrambled, but I had to switch it out at the last minute... Please forgive my ADHD..hahaha

Have a great week everyone!! How precious it must be to walk into your classrooms (if you are currently teaching) and appreciate those bright eyes and smiles....even if they occasionally sneeze without covering their mouth..hahaha... How precious are our children!!


  1. I've never received a birchbox....but I hope I do someday!! I don't even know what it is...but it looks like fun!! You must have to have more than 59 followers...haha!! I love your blog...thanks for all your great sharing!! Every time I "accidentally" stay up until 3 a.m. making a TpT produce...I think of you:)

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

    1. You can sign up to receive them. They are $10 a month for the female ones and they stuff them with cute full-sized and trial-sized beauty products. They have one for men out now, but I wish they had a teen one for my daughter...we love the little goodies!!

  2. I walked into my classroom today and thought, "I would give them the world, if I could. I won't be able to say no to anything today." Of course, ten minutes into the day, my sense of reason had returned and classroom management reigned, lol! But, we gave a lot of "heart prints" today!

    1. Hahahaha!!! It only takes a few minutes to get back to reality in the classroom....especially, this time of year (-; Glad you had a good day back!!


  3. I love Birchbox and got totally different things this month and actually the only thing I love this month (first time to not love everything) is the Lip Balm.


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