

NEW 3AM Design, NEW Blog Store & Discount & FREE Blog Design ELements!!

If you have been wondering where I've been, then take a look around my blog!!! It took me FOREVER to come up with a design that I was happy  enough with to go for it. The lack of a navigation and the drab colors were too much for me to take any longer & I finally dedicated some time and went for it!!

What do you think??? I like my Social networking images and links with the mustache..hahaha....

The code that took me the longest to write was the code for the Blog Store page!! I forgot how to set up the code for tables & had to re-learn that process....ugh!! What a pain...BUT..TOTALLY worth it!!

As many of you already know, I am working from home full-time now and the pressure is definitely on! With Christmas around the corner and college for my daughter only 2 years away, I have become a workaholic!! It is definitely difficult to not have a steady paycheck and medical, but I am thankful and blessed everyday for the little progress I make each month! I couldn't have done all of this without all of my blog friends & I am so thankful to have all of you!! You definitely keep me sane! hahaha

Although my TPT store continues to grow, I still need income coming in more frequently. I started to design a website, but my lack of time prevented me from finishing it yet. I decided to create a blog store in the meantime to see how it goes before I launch an entire site..hahaha...(maybe I just need time to procrastinate more on my website designing...eekers).

I have only placed up four sets on the blog store; however, I have created a custom discount code that will give you 25% off until Wednesday at Midnight (mountain standard time - Arizona). Check out my poster....hahaha
I have linked the "add to cart" buttons to my Payloadz, so that you can apply the discount code before checking out. You can still choose to checkout with Paypal by choosing the Paypal option towards the bottom of the checkout screen. 
After Wednesday, the normal Paypal buttons will show up under each set and more items will be added to the blog store (-;
The 25% discount will give you my NEW SILLY WORLD HOLIDAY bundle for only $10.50!! Pretty good for SEVEN custom graphics sets and over 160 images (including the black line art)!!

I hope you take advantage of the discount this week & please let me know how the checkout process went for you. I have never used the buttons on my blog before, so this will be a first....lets hope all goes to plan..hahaha

Thank you so much for stopping by! I would love to know what you think of the new design!! It takes some getting used to, but I think

Because I spent so much time away from you, I thought I would give you a few free blog design elements....enjoy!

You can use these to make your own special elements to your blogs!!

 Here are some previous design elements that I am retiring. You are more than welcome to use them in your own blog designs (-;

Freebies are fun!! Thank you for visiting Friend!
If you would like to share the Sale poster and/or pin it, please do will keep me smiling throughout the week (-; I even added new code to make it easier to pin things on my blog. Thank you Jessica Stanford for the help with the pin code for the obsessive pinner...hahaha...
I actually just noticed that you (Jessica) used one of my FREE backgrounds for your blog design!! What an HONOR!! 
I hope you check her out!!

I you would like to add the pin-it button next to each image within your blog posts, check out the tutorial I is VERY simple...

P.S. Just remember that when you are asked to look for the <b:skin> in your Blogger Template, it might be difficult to find...unless you do this...

1. Open the HTML editor & check the "EXPAND WIDGET" box at the top left corner of the editor

2. Now Click CTRL + F and type <b:skin> in the search box. 

The code will be highlighted & you will have saved yourself some valuable time. The tutorial did not mention this, so I thought I would give you the instructions...just in case you are not familiar with the process.

Enjoy your OCD Pin-It Posts after this tutorial..bwahahaha!!
Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th -    


  1. Love your makeover!
    And thanks for the freebies.

    P.S. Your Silly World Holiday Bundle is AMAZING and I've used several pieces of it already :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher
    Endless Pinabilities!

    1. Thank you Tanja!! I can't wait to see what you come up with! It is so nice to have this finished...what a task!!

      Thank you for stopping by!!


  2. Nice job! It looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing the tutorial for adding the pin it buttons.

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

    1. Thank you! I looked everywhere online to try to figure it out after I couldn't create the code myself & I had no luck. I asked Jessica after seeing her blog and she sent me the link! It was really easy; although, it does look a bit OCD..hahaha...aren't all pinners though? tehehehe

      Thank you for stopping by!!


  3. The blog looks great!! :)
    Sweet Times in First

    1. Thank you Sandra!! I am so glad it's finished (-;


  4. Love your blog design!! Do you design blogs besides your own?? Email me please if that is something you do! :-))
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  5. I am loving your new look!! Thanks for the oodles of freebies!! I love your work! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  6. Your new design is amazing, Michelle! I love all of your new elements! Thanks so much for sharing the pin button tutorial I was wondering how to do that! As always, you are so creative and generous!

    I'm off to get your Silly World bundle from your new blog store!


    1. Thank you Linda!! I just got an email notification with your name!! Thank you for making a purchase from my new blog store....woo hoo!!

      Was the checkout process easy?? I hope so.

      Thank you again! You are too good to me (-;


  7. Your new blog store is awesone! The checkout and discount code worked perfectly! LOVE your Silly World!

  8. LOVE your new design Michelle!! Looks great!

    Primary Punch

  9. Great job! I had to get my computer so I could see the non-mobile version:-) I love it.

    Chickadee Jubilee


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