

New Clip Art Sets, Must Have Linky & A few FREEBIES!!

Good Morning!! 
And I mean...morning....I have not done a post this early in the day for quite some time. Actually, I typically do my posts between the hours of 2am and 4am, but I consider anytime before I go to sleep to be late (-;  I have posted two new sets on TPT and I hope you all like them (-; Look for a couple of freebies at the end of this post from these sets (-;

I have had so many requests for teen graphics that I have almost finished a small set. I should have this set up later this afternoon....Keep your eyes open (-;

I have had this email in my inbox for a couple of days because I wanted to join Laura's linky!!!! This is such a great idea!
Totally Terrific Teacher Tools @ Home Linky

I have a ton of things I can't live without...mostly because once I discover them, I find that life is so much better and creating is much more fun!!
While teaching I could not live without:

Must Have Tools:

1. Portable Home Laminator
I actually have this one pictured above. I love it because it has the refillable cartridge and I can do a lot of laminating for under $20. I used this ti make student passports, library cards (for our classroom library), word cards, center activities, and much more!! I still use this today for many home uses!!!

2. An External Hard Drive

This is another tool that is a necessity for keeping all of the things I create organized. I organize my files very systematically. I have files within files and it makes my life much easier! Also.......having everything stored on an external hard drive prevents my information from being lost in the case that my computer would crash. I have had this happen many years ago and never took the chance of going without this again. I actually have several external hard drives....YES, I have that many files to store...LOL

What I use to create with:

As most of you know (maybe not), I have always been an artist at heart. I never used my ability to start a business..that is, until now. Now that I am not teaching, I am a teacher at heart...hhehehe!!
I have so many things that I use to create TPT products, but here is a condensed list. For your sanity's sake, I will not explain all of the these items...

1. Prismacolor Drawing Products

Graphite and sketching pencils (I have over 50 of these babies....). They are, by far, the BEST pencils on the market that I have used!
High quality graphite is great for architectural drawings and plans.Strong point for fine art and technical drawing.
Although these next ones are a bit pricey (as most art tools are), these are a must!
Archival quality, lightfast ink is smear resistant when dry. Available in Fine Line, Brush and Chisel tip sizes for excellent technical and artistic drawing applications.
I use these markers after sketching to go over and define my images. Once I go over them with the pens, I erase the pencil and scan the image. I do not scan often as I love to just draw digitally, but if you do not have  the pricey programs, then these are the way to go. I have never been brave enough to sketch with pen from the is too permanent for me. These markers also DO NOT smear, smudge or absolute must for artists!! The illustration set, which includes 8 pens, costs around $20. They need to be replaced often if you use them frequently.

To find out more about these tools :

#3. A $700.00 price tag...but this one is a must (for me anyway)
WARNING: if you purchase the teacher or student editions  - make sure to read the fine print because you are not allowed to use the program to create commercial products with these versions...don't ask me was poopy news to me. But I can't live without Adobe, so I made the sacrifice....ugh!
Adobe InDesign CS6

#5 My Wacom Drawing Tablet and pen......this is what makes my art unique...I draw every image myself and I draw 90% of them completely digitally with my tablet...LOVE IT. I am saving up for the Cintiq 24 HD Touch. That would be so much better on my hands and my eyes. The more products you buy from my store, the more I create and save for this Cintiq.....I will have it in my office some day.  I am sure all of you have your own go check out Laura's linky and join in on the fun!!

Today's 3AM FREEBIES!!!
(Please read my TOU BEFORE using my graphics for personal and/or commercial use)

Thank you for following & supporting my blog!!


Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th -    Pin It


  1. Love the new sets Michelle. You are extremely talented :) Thanks for sharing the freebies :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. I have a WACOM tablet also! I mainly use it to color my images. =

    Ginger Snaps

  3. I am loving your new sets, especially your Safari Animals! Thanks for sharing your freebies! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. I love your blog and your clip art. Can you possibly tell me the easiest way to download it so I can get the full effect? Also is there a way to personalize it before printing? Thanks so much for all the great stuff!

  5. Adorable as always...thanks a bunch! =)

  6. I love the new clip art set. I'm going to use it for my "Wild About Words" vocabulary notebook. Thanks!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  7. Thank you, Michelle! I just used the hut that's filled with the green pattern to make a sign for the window of my animal print/jungle themed classroom. It was perfect!
    First Grade Found Me

  8. Hi Michelle, I was wondering if there is an advantage to using InDesign over Illustrator to create graphics?


    1. There really is no advantage and it depends on what you are creating. I use Indesign to create multi-media designs, web pages, PDF forms, newsletters, brochures and other projects. I do not draw in Indesign. The real advantage of having Indesign is that you have all of the programs needed for drawing, creating and publishing in one place...I love it.


  9. Michelle, your talent is so amazing! I love the new sets. Definitely adding this to my wish list!

    Cheers To School

  10. Thanks for joining the Linky Michelle! I am not even a little bit good at drawing but you made me want to go and invest in some good supplies - that's probably my problem - I need better supplies. The problem isn't a complete lack of artistic talent! ;)
    Mrs. Castro's Class

  11. Hey Michelle, I am using one of your free frames on my blog - for my giveaway. Your stuff is so cute! I linked back to your blog - let me know if I need to do anything else! :) Thanks! Come by and check out the giveaway!
    My Kindergarten Kids

  12. omgosh - can I just say??? the external hard drive has been my FAVorite purchase!! that thing goes with me every where and stores my BAZILLIONS of clip arts - lol...thanks for "making" me do it!

  13. Thanks for sharing! Your new pack is adorable. I also LOVE my home laminator! Not sure what I'd do without it in August. :)

    Sugar and Spice

  14. Super cute as always. Thank you for sharing. KindergartenLove.

  15. I forgot to write about an external hard drive in my post! That would be super useful!

    Marvelous Multiagers!


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