

MAYDAY....Trouble sending PNG's Update...

I have not been able to send out the png requests to several of you using your districts email server...the firewalls are tough and they often tag large files as  a virus or spam...

For this reason...I have uploaded the zipped png files for the puppy ten frame pieces as well as the free frames and borders onto my classroom website (that I no longer use). While teaching Kinder at a private school when we first moved to Arizona, the school was not tech savvy to say the least (don't get me wrong...this was an awesome workplace...loved it). I decided to pay for and create my own classroom website for parents and students. You are more than welcome to browse. 

Just link onto the Teacher's Place (left sidebar...very bottom) or click this link

Once there, scroll to the bottom of the page and I have added the files there. I have cleared most of the original files I kept there and other links within the site, but I keep it because I was planning on creating a teacher resource place....someday.

The website is

I am looking into a better way to store and share the freebies in png form...if you have any suggestions...I would love, LOVE, LOVE the help (-;

Thank you,

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th -

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  1. Hi! I love love love your graphics and clipart! Thank you so much for sharing your awesome work. I recently downloaded your frames freebie and I am enjoying it but I do have a question. WHen I try to copy the image from the pdf and place it on word so that I can use it I get this this black filling inside the picture where the white was located! Any ideas I can't seem to get it to work

    Ms. Patterson
    Pocket Full of Kinders

    1. I sent you a response through my email...let me know if you get it (-;


  2. Girl, you are famous!! I am seeing your art everywhere!! :) :)

    1. were the leader of the Seuss-o-rama!!!

      I know!!!! This is so cool!!!I can't believe how fast that spread & how many people have just poured on the sweetness!!

      Thanks, Jen


      The 3AM Teacher

    2. Every time I see your stuff somewhere it makes me smile :) I'm so glad this has taken off for you!
      I may have some more requests here soon for ya! ha!

    3. Bring em'on...LOL!

      I can't believe how many cool things everyone is coming up with!! I love seeing how creative you all are....I bet all those kids really love having all the materials that the teachers make..I know mine always did. I created my own homework packets because I wanted it to reflect what we were doing in the classroom, but I also wanted the kids to be excited about homework (I succeeded a few times...hehehe).

      I bet your kids will be so happy when your back!
      The 3AM Teacher

  3. Thank you! I love the borders!I'm sure they will be making their way into some of my FlipCharts!

    The High-Tech Teacher

    1. Thank you sooo much! Can't wait to see what you create (-;

      The 3AM Teacher


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