
Freebie Frenzy!

Thank you for visiting my blog!! I can't tell you how much I have been blessed by all of you over the past two years! I never would have dreamed in my wildest imagination that I would get to make a small  living doing all of the things I love - Teaching and Drawing!! Although I am not in a K-12 classroom at this time, I am blessed on a daily basis with the opportunity to connect and teach with people from all over the world!!

I appreciate all of your support and for allowing me to provide a little extra money to help pay the bills!! I know that times can be tough and finances can be very tight, which is why I make an effort to provide a great deal of FREE graphics and resources that are just as good as my paid products. Please accept my freebies as my personal thank you for everything you do for me and everything you do for students around the world!! You are truly amazing! I know personally, the day to day struggles you face in your classrooms with your students and with the ever-changing policies and curriculum. I also know how rewarding it is to watch the growth and progress of students and I hope that my graphics will inspire you to create and implement great resources to benefit your students, your colleagues, and your finances for years to come. 

All I ask in return is that you follow me in my journey, support me when you can by purchasing paid products from any one of my online stores, and that you share your own stories and your journeys with me. Please consider joining my Collaborative Pinterest Board if you use my graphics in free or paid resources. By accepting my invitation to the board, you can pin resources you create using my graphics and I get the honor of seeing all of your creativity!!

Click on the image below to visit my collaborative Pinterest Board. If you would like an invite, please leave your personal Pinterest link in a comment below and I will add you to the board. I would LOVE to see this board grow to massive numbers and would appreciate your help in spreading the word by placing the graphic on your blog or website once you are added to the board. 
I am continually blessed by your blog shout out's, your support, and your creativity!! I PUFFY Heart all of you - even those of you I have not had the honor of connecting with yet!!
Enjoy these freebies!!!
Don't forget to leave some positive lovin' feedback on TpT whenever you download something from my shop!! <3
FREE Frames and Borders                                     

 photo freeframes_zps9416fdc2.png photo crayonframe_preview.jpg photo 3am_swirlystickerfrmaes_free_zps7f93df67.png photo 3am_freePolkadot_swirlyframes_zps2aa58da5.png photo 3am_prev2-1_zps9295c9a5.png photo 3am_ipad_prev1a_zps3562843a.png photo 3am_freeVdayframes_zps55829ea6.jpg  photo 3AM_free_preview_zpsf6b5a660.png photo Freeframes_withcolor_zps15c2ae9d.png

FREE Graphics & Digital Papers                         

Mystery Sets                                                             
 photo 3am_mystery2_zps6a423a6a.png photo 3am_mystery1_zps0dad363e.png

Animal Themes                                                         
 photo fivefreeowls_preview_zps3309c4d0.png

Rainbow Themes                                                     
 photo PrimaryStripes_preview_zpsd6ce7737.png photo 3am_pushpins_prev1_zpse5a11b4d.png

Sports Themes                                                           
 photo freesoccerframespreview_zpsad7b4468.png

Number Themes                                                         
 photo 3am_starnumberprev_zpsfc047684.png photo 3am_gingernumbers_prev1_zps35ecad8f.png

Holiday Themes                                                       
 photo Freeback_prev.png photo 3AM_cb_P1_zps5eb73a23.png photo 3am_freeties_prev1_zpsdccbf29f.png photo 3AM_holidayBowfreebie_2012_zps4b17e8e5.png

Winter Themes                                                         
 photo freesnowflakepattern_preview.png    photo freepattern2preview.png

Fall Themes                                                                 
 photo leafpreview1.png


  1. I would love to join your Pinterest board!

    Thank you so much for all of your amazing products and words of wisdom!

  2. I would love to too! My settings allow for invites so please send away!


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