

Techy Tuesday on Thursday: How to Flatten Images & Secure Your PDF files

Scroll to the bottom of the tutorial where I have placed a link for all of you. Sorry this was not in the tutorial before (-;

Hi everyone! 
There have been many inquiries on Facebook and in the TPT forums regarding the best way to secure images and content within a PDF file. You might be surprised, but many people were NOT aware that converting a document to a PDF does not automatically secure the content in the file...WOAH!!!
There are extra steps you need to follow to make sure your files are secure. This tutorial also includes directions for taking a few EXTRA steps to make sure the images (clip art, borders, graphics) are secure in your files. 

Many artists require that the images are "flattened" in a SECURED PDF file. However, most do not explain what it means to "flatten" the images or offer directions as to how to do this....but will become an expert....hahahaha..

Actually, I am just hoping you can understand my directions..hehehehe

You can view the images below and/or download the PDF file to save directly from my blog...WOWEE!!

Here we go:

Programs I used in this tutorial:
Adobe Acrobat X Pro
Windows OS (Operating System): Win 7
Microsoft Office (PowerPoint) 2010
This tutorial will help you learn how to add the most efficient security to your published files. More specifically, I will show you how to "flatten" images to prevent people from extracting (copying & pasting) images from the digital files you create.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this tutorial or you would like to offer suggestions to improve this tutorial.

Step One:
Launch Microsoft PowerPoint and start a NEW project.
For this tutorial I created a simple cover page with text and images. If you have already created a PowerPoint document, you can skip to the step that applies to you.

Here is the finished slide BEFORE saving. None of the images have been flattened and nothing is secure……yet.

Step 2: Saving the finished PowerPoint
Save your document as you normally would; creating a PPT version of your original file.
You want to save the original as a PPT in case you need to make changes to your file in the future.
Many of you might be used to saving your file and then immediately converting the file to a PDF. If I convert my PPT file to a PDF without taking any other steps (as I did in the picture to the right), you will see that I am still able to highlight, copy, and paste the individual images within the file. You might be shocked to discover that saving your document as a PDF does NOT secure the content. You must take extra steps to secure the content in your file.

Step 3: Saving Your PPT as an Image
Before converting your saved PPT to a PDF, we are going to “flatten” the images by saving each slide as an individual PNG or JPEG image. You cannot edit the flattened image files. I choose to save as a PNG, but you can choose to save your file as a JPEG.
Save PPT as an Image:
Once the window pops up, you will use the drop down menu at the bottom labeled: SAVE AS TYPE, and choose to save the file as a PNG (Portable Network Graphic) or JPEG.
Once you have chosen the file type, click save. You might be prompted to choose to save the current slide or all of the slides in the file. If you want to use all of the slides, then choose to save each slide as an individual PNG image. The images will now be saved in the place you designated on your computer or flash drive.

Step 4: Creating a Secure PDF from your flattened image files
Now that you have saved each slide as an individual image file, I will show you how to convert the images to a single PDF file.
Open the file on your computer or flash drive that contains the image files you just created. As you can see (to the top right), I have only one image saved, since I only had one slide in my file.
To create a PDF using the image, I am going to RIGHT CLICK on the file and choose to
If you have more than one image to convert, highlight (IN ORDER) the needed files, RIGHT CLICK and choose to COMBINE SUPPORTED FILES IN ACROBAT (See bottom right picture)
In this window, you can add more files or remove files you do not want in the PDF. Choose to COMBINE FILES and your images will be converted to a PDF.

Quick Note:  
Sometimes, the images that you saved as a PDF will not convert in the correct order. Do NOT panic. All you need to do is open the bookmark preview in Adobe (right panel). Once opened, you will see thumbnails of each page in your pdf. Just select and drag the thumbnails and drop them in the correct order. The page number will change automatically once it is dropped in another position.

Step 5: Securing the PDF
You have not added security yet….

Open the PDF if it is not already.
Now that you have your PDF open, you can click on any area and notice that the entire page will be highlighted, rather than any one image. You now have “flattened” the images within a PDF file; however, you have not secured your PDF. If we leave the file as is, the buyer will still be able to copy and paste the entire page.

The only way one could “steal” images after flattening would be to take a screenshot of the image; however, the quality will be terrible and the image will not be by itself (see bottom right picture). The thief will have to do quite a lot of editing in a design program to get the image by itself.
Next, I will show you how to add security to your PDF to prevent anyone from copying the pages.

Step 5 Continued
Adding Security Options to your PDF

Click on the TOOLS tab located on the top right menu bar of your Adobe file.
Select and click the PROTECTION tab, ENCRYPT, & choose to Encrypt with a password.
Choose YES to change the security setting if prompted with this question
You will get a pop-up window with options for securing your file.
Choose your encryption settings: Add a Password
Make sure to UN-CHECK the first box to enter a password. This option prevents anyone from opening the file.

Step 5 Continued
Adding Security Options to your PDF

Check the box to restrict editing and then customize your settings.
Create a PASSWORD. 

To get a strong password setting make sure your password includes an uppercase letter and a number.
Choose OKAY once you have finished creating your password. 

You will be prompted to enter the password a second time before the window closes. Now, save your PDF and you have created a secured PDF file!

Congratulations!!! You did it!!!
I really do hope this helps some of you out and helps to secure your digital files! Click the download button save/print a copy of this tutorial.

Thank you for visiting! Come back and check out my post tomorrow to see what I post for FREEBIE Friday!! I was determined to be prepared this time and participate in the fun!!

The GOLDEN ticket for Mac users:

I noticed that many of you who read my blog are actually Mac users and I always feel so bad that I can't offer you the same usual, I don't give up until I learn..HA!!

I found a helpful tutorial and had a friend "test" it out before sharing with all of you. For those of you using PAGES in Mac, there is a way to save your pages as a "grouped" JPEG image. 

Here is the Tutorial I found
Save this site in a reference journal, so that you can refer back to this site when you need help. I can tell you that YOU DO NOT WANT to use the help forums on the APPLE site!!!! They are filled with tons of information from many people that have NO CLUE what they are talking about. There may be forums in there that are helpful, but I did not even see one. In fact, I was so irritated about some of the advice people were giving that I had to sign in and comment - I couldn't resist!! I left the link to the correct tutorial in that forum because the people who actually needed help were being prompted to do things that caused more frustration! People REALLY should not comment in forums like that UNLESS they do know what they are doing and they are actually prepared to provide a step by step solution. It drives me bonkers when people just decide to continually add their 2 cents, because it causes far more harm than good. 

I also received some input from a friend - Tracee Orman, who  is just some small time blogger and seller on TPT...bwahahahaha - yeah right!...

Here is what she had to say...(referring to using Pages on a MAC)
You can group every object & text box as a single item, then do the "Arrange" > "Lock" to completely secure it. Just remember when grouping objects, you can't make changes (like adding a drop shadow) after it is grouped together.

Thank you for the info Tracee!! Please check out her blog (if you haven't already); however, please refer to the tutorial that I listed above if you have questions. I would hate to have her get a ton of emails from people saying, "The 3AM Teacher sent me to you to get help with using Pages"...I would feel horrible....truly....
However, I did make sure it was okay for me to include her knowledge before posting this...(-;

For you MAC users, please go through the tutorial and let me know what you think and if it was helpful or not...(-;
Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - 


  1. Thanks so much for sharing... I am definitely in need of this since I am trying to get all of this kind of stuff down. Did you give your blog a make-over? It looks fabulous if you did!!! I just gave mine a make-over too.

    Lovely Literacy & More

    1. Thanks and I hope the directions are clear...hahaha

      And YES, I redesigned my blog and finished it last week. Thank you for noticing - I love the new look and I love it even more when I think about how much time it took to finally change it..


  2. Thank you Michelle! I've been wondering how to do this! Your explanation is very clear and easy to follow!

    thanks again!

    1. Thank you so much Jen! I wasn't really worried until I had it posted...hahaha...


  3. Thanks for the information. I know we "flatten" by saving the slides as jpegs with just PowerPoint. Is the only way to create a "secure" file to use the Pro version of Adobe?

    1. I am sure there are other programs that can be used to secure PDF files. I would think that any program that converted files to PDF's would have this option; however, this is just what I used because it is the program I have. You do not need Adobe Pro, Just Adobe Acrobat is fine. The pro version only has a few extra features, but from what I have heard, it is not that different.

      Also, if you save a PPT as a PNG opposed to a JPEG, the quality of the images will be better.


  4. Wow...I had no idea just converting to a PDF didn't secure/flatten the file. Thank you so much for the heads up and the tutorial! I am going to have to go through all my products and secure them. I am just really hoping this works the same for Presentation files created in Open Office, since I do not have Microsoft Office...


    1. I am sure that Open Office would have the option to save your file as individual images; however, I am not sure about this..hahaha

      I will look into that because I know there are a lot of people using Open Office.

      Thank you for your input!


    2. I have Open Office as well. I just ended up copying each slide over to GIMP and saving as a jpg (might do png next time) and then made a new Draw file with all jpg slides and then made into a pdf with security chosen. There may be an easier way, but that is what I did last night when I realised I had secured but not flattened. I think there may be a way to copy all over to GIMP and then do it as a batch, but have not played around with it yet to figure it out.

  5. I did not know this at all. Thank you for the tutorial!
    I'm confused, though. When I just tried to copy and paste something from a couple different pdfs (saved from ppt) it didn't work. I'm on a Mac, too. I don't have Adobe Pro.

    1. I am sorry to inform you that I do not use a Mac...and have never used a Mac. I do know that copying and pasting on a Mac requires a shortcut using the keyboard however. Mac does not allow you to right click, copy and/or save. I believe it is CTRL_something, but I am really clueless when it comes to using a MAC. There are many free software programs, apps, and website servers that allow you to convert and secure files to PDF's. Adobe Acrobat X Pro is just the version that I used in the tutorial. The new version of Acrobat changed how the security settings were set and it took me a little bit to figure it out.. haha


  6. Michelle, this is wonderful! I really needed this tutorial and you made it nice and clear. I'm feeling confident! Thanks so much!

    Teacher Kirra:Maestra Kirra

    1. Thank you Kirra! I am glad I am not the only PC addicted gal..hahaha


  7. Thanks so much for this tutorial! I had no idea you had to do all of this, I will be going back and fixing my stuff. Oh and I love the blog redesign!

    Clearly Kindergarten

    1. Thank you Sarah!! After I updated my Adobe Acrobat from the Acrobat 9 pro to the Acrobat X Pro, I couldn't figure out how to add security properly to the files and people kept emailing me with questions that I couldn't really answer.

      I had to learn myself, but I did learn a lot of new tricks that I can do with the upgraded version of Adobe that I could not do before...

      I am happy to spread the knowledge..hahaha


  8. Replies
    1. You're welcome!! Thank you for leaving some encouragement..hahaha
      I am always scared to put up tutorials when it comes to technology...


  9. Thank you so much for this! Unfortunately, I'm in the Mac boat as well. I have Microsoft Office for Mac, but the 2008 version. I need to figure out if getting the 2011 version is enough, or if I need both that AND an Adobe upgrade. In the meantime, I'm going to go back and save everything as a png, and insert the slides into Powerpoint to secure. If any other Mac users have advice, please share!

    1. I know....I feel so bad that I can never offer any MAC advice....HOWEVER, I have been doing some research and working incognito with a MAC owner to hopefully get a tutorial out there for Mac users.

      I also should have mentioned that Adobe is just my personal preference and there are many other (LESS EXPENSIVE) programs and apps available that will convert files to a PDF. I have the 2007 version of Office on one of our laptops and saving is pretty much the same process. I did find a site with many office programs for Mac users that you might find useful:

      This site is just a review of the best word processing programs for Mac users, but the links also include information about other products, formatting, and converting files. You might have an Ah ha moment....maybe...hehehe

      I It is difficult to learn about an operating system when I don't have one available to play around with; although, I refuse to purchase a Mac....only because I know the PC OS so well and I have thousands of dollars in programs invested for a PC. When I taught 7th grade LA, I had a Mac book in my classroom, but I always had to ask the kids to help me use it...hahaha...I did not like the feeling of being computer illiterate at all and ended up bringing in my own laptop or my handy ipad to the classroom. Who knows...maybe you could teach me a few things..hahaha


  10. Thank you so much for this fanstastic tutorial, Michelle! It is so clear and helpful, even I can do it! Ha! Ha!

    Your new design looks great, my friend! I LOVE the 3am high tops!!

  11. Thank you SO much! I had no idea you had to "Flatten" everything! I didn't even know what flatten meant! I am a new TPT maker, so thanks so much!

  12. LOL! That's awesome, Michelle! :) I don't mind helping people. I still think one of these days we'd make a good team writing a tutorial doing the PC side, of course since I am clueless with PCs!! :) Thanks for the mention and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  13. Thank you for the great tutorial. Will this work using Microsoft Office Word? (Saving the file as a png or jpeg from Step 3) Or is the only with Powerpoint? Thank you.

    1. Sadly, Word does not give you the option to save a file as an image. You might be able to download the FREE Open Office and save through that program. It is almost like Microsoft Office, but a free version.

      It is also available for MAC as well.

      Here is a link:

      I hope that helps (-;


  14. What a great tutorial!! Thank you. You continue to be a font of knowledge for TpT users.

    Mrs Balius

    1. Why Thank you!! That is such a complement because I have learned so much from my TpT family!!


  15. Thank you for your tutorial! I am having trouble at step 4. I was able to save each slide as a PNG, but I am not able to convert them then to a PDF. Do I need a special program to do so? At this point I have just been using PowerPoint to make my products.
    Thank you!!

    1. Thank you! If you have a PC with Windows 7 or 8, it actually comes standard; however, if you do not, then you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Pro. There are also a lot of FREE browser add-ons and software programs on the internet that you can use to convert files to a PDF. I will see what I can find and try to put together a list.

      You could also just create another PPT file and use the converted images as your pages. This way individual images cannot be lifted....this would be a temporary solution while I get a list together.


    2. I am also having this problem. I have a Pc with Windows 7 and when I right click to convert my JPEG file to PDF there is no convert button to click. Any suggestions for converting files?

      Thanks so much!
      Lovely Literacy & More

    3. OMG!! I almost deleted your comment by accident!! I really need to make that delete button smaller..hahaha

      I am not really sure about that, but I am going to look into it and see what I find. I will definitely fine tune this tutorial and keep you updated (-;


    4. Fast forward a few years and I am also having trouble with step 4. I have windows 8, but I am not given the option to convert to PDF when I right click. Did any of you ever find a solution? Thank you!

  16. Thank you for sharing this with us. I had no clue and it doesn't actually look that difficult.

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

  17. Michelle, Thank you for this post! It helped me quite a bit. On my own blog I added a little more about the topic for us Mac people, but I never would have been able to do any of this without your post! I am no expert, but from November until now I played around to learn better how to flatten PDFs on a Mac.

    If you care to read my two cents then please Click Here

    Thank you!
    Crayons and Whimsy

  18. Great stuff! I’ve been digitizing various research journals of our library for public use, and that is one of the things I would like to prevent students from just doing. Though they can still copy it out word per word, at least now they have to do it the hard way. :)

    By any chance, do you know how to prevent users from downloading PDFs from embedded websites? That one’s been bugging me for a while.

    Nannie Salyards

    1. With all the advancements in technology, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to prevent people from figuring out how to steal digital goods. People have access to so many free programs out there and are unaware that those programs are the same ones that are planting viruses onto their computers and/or stealing information from people who download free apps and software meant for hacking, converting, or graphic design. It is really scary how much information that can be taken from a server when someone downloads a file.

      Flattening the images and text will make it most difficult for people to steal digital information and images, but they still have the screenshot apps and many over-seas are using these to take screenshots of digitized goods to create products to sell online. Nothing is full-proof unless you are running your own secure server, which can cost up to $1500 a month with high bandwidth - it is free to steal, but costs an arm and a leg to protect.... UGH!!

      Well, to answer your second question, I am not sure what you mean when you say embedded websites. Do you mean that you want to prevent someone from embedding the PDF on a website for all to see? if that is what you are looking to do, then I do have some code that you can place withing the web code where you are providing the PDF's that will prevent anyone from downloading, copying, pasting, or even taking a screenshot of the image from that webpage. Depending on what operating system and web program you are using to upload these files, will determine what code you will need.

      The code can be quite frustrating at times and is quite long. If the code is applied, then nothing from the site can actually be clicked on or downloaded, but I can see what other options there might be for coding on a typical HTML site. If you are on a school server using a PhP, then you will have far more options with your security coding and that is something that you can ask one of your tech's about. I am not really familiar with PhP....yet... but there is always something to learn in the world of technology..haha

      Email me and we can chat some more if you would like to.

    2. I think what she meant by it is how to prevent PDFs featured in her website from being downloaded by visitors, so that they remain view-only through her site. I remember seeing other sites being able to do that, although I myself am not privy on how to do that. But flattening the pics and securing the text can help deter people from just lifting them from the PDF itself.

      Ruby Badcoe

  19. Hi,

    I just came across this post and as I'm hoping to start selling on TPT this summer, I have a couple questions. First, do you need Adobe PRO or will free programs like PrimoPDF secure the document as well? Also, your tutorial didn't say anything about changing the "Printing Allowed" section...will I need to change that if I want people to download and print out my products? Thanks!

    - Katy

  20. This is a fantastic post. It is the most clear and direct that I have come across. I am finding myself having the same problem as a few posters ahead of me. I can save my documents as a PNG but then I don't know how to get them into PDF format from there. I do not have an Adobe program besides the free Adobe Reader. When I save my document it gives me the option to save it as a pdf. I would like to use your idea of PNG to PDF, just to make sure its as secure as it can be. I just can't turn an image into a PDF. Do you have any suggestions?

    1. Thank you so much!! The tutorial I created requires the use of Adobe Acrobat Pro or higher; however, you might be able to choose to print to PDF once you have saved your file.

      If you have this option, you will got to...

      Printer Setting
      Change to PDF
      Click Print to PDF (it might give you the option to save the PDF.. as opposed to printing it).

      I hope this helps a little bit. I know how pricey Adobe programs can be. They are a good investment if you are planning to profit from the resources/files you create.

      If you are using Google Chrome, there are many free apps/extensions available to help make your life easier...

      here is the link

      I am sorry that I could not be of more help...but I really appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to leave your questions. I find the questions helpful as I create more tutorials - this way I can (hopefully) help more people (-;


  21. Michelle, I love the tutorial. I am still just wondering about when I create a Credits Page. I know how to secure the actual product part of my pdf but when I secure the Credits Page it makes the links not work. I know that the links need to work to put them on tpt, but am not sure how to secure the Credits Page while allowing the links to work. I do not even know if you need to secure this page or not. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.

  22. Hi Michelle

    I am finding that when I combine the slides into 1 PDF...when they come up as a PDF the images aren't as clear as they are in the powerpoint. My clipart is a little fuzzy. I did save them as PNGS. Do you know why this might be happening??!


    1. Hi Renee!!

      When you save the pages as images, you will lose a good amount of image quality - even if you set the image compression to "none". I know how frustrating that is. I am very particulate about the quality of my images and I always want them to look very crisp and clear.

      Turn off image compression in your powerpoint options and make sure you choose "preserve image quality" and maximum image quality in your Adobe settings. This might help you out quite a bit.


  23. I love this - thank you! I am unable to download the tutorial as a pdf - I keep getting "Pin It" and taken to Pinterest.

  24. Would love to hear how you "covert the images to a pdf" after saving. I too am having the problem, where that is not an option. I'm currently making the flattened images into new power point slides and then saving as a pdf.. but that is A LOT of work. Please let us know?!

    1. I can't even figure out how to make them into a new powerpoint. How do you do that?

  25. This is fantastic! I am creating my first TpT product and find this post was so timely. Question, if I have a hyperlink in my file, does flattening and then securing the project still allow the links to be "clickable"?
    Also, does anyone know of a program that allows you to combine 2 pdf files? I create my products in PPT then save as PDF. But, PPT only allows 1 orientation per project. So I have pages in a landscape PPT and also pages in a portrait PPT. Now I need to save them as one document........sigh.

    1. Hi Cheryl!! If you flatten the PDF, then the image hyperlinks will not be active; however, they will is you choose to secure the PDF with a password.

      The program that will allow you to do this as well as to combine PDF files together is Adobe Acrobat X1 Pro or Adobe Acrobat Pro.

      I hope that helps... Thank you for stopping by. I do have an updated version of this tutorial, but I will have to locate the link.. (-;


  26. Thank you so much for this tutorial! I'm so glad I use Pages on my MAC, because arranging my objects as one group then clicking LOCK is super easy! Once I do this, then save as a PDF, the images are completely secure????

    Projects & Polkadots

  27. Here's the easiest way to SECURE a pages document on a Mac:
    Make sure PDF is highlighted in upper left corner
    Click on "Security Options"
    Require a Password to Copy content from this document (check this box)
    Type in a password
    DONE!!!! Now the pdf will have the word (SECURED) at the end of your title!!! It works too... I opened up my SECURED PDF and tried to highlight/copy/paste and it did not work! It's so easy on a Mac, only a few steps and no additional program is necessary.


  28. Thank you so much for this post! I am just starting out as a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers and I found this SO helpful. Thanks!!

  29. Thank you for this post! I just opened a store on TPT and needed to know how to do this before using others' clip art! Awesome!

  30. That was a thorough overview! Thanks so much.

  31. Hi Michelle! Thank you for the tutorial. I'm hoping that you can help me. I have saved each slide in PowerPoint as an individual PNG image. I then merged the images into a single PDF. However, when I look at the PDF, the slides are not as clear as they are in PowerPoint. Specifically, there is some blurriness. Also, there is some "fuzziness" behind the words that are in Text Boxes. I can see an outline of the Text Box (although I do not have an outline of the Text Box in PowerPoint) and this outline and the background of the word in the Text Box in the PDF are fuzzy. The original file in PowerPoint and the PNG image file of each slide has just a word on a white background, which is what I want. I can't figure out how to resolve this issue. I am using Adobe Acrobat 9. Maximum image quality is selected in the Adobe settings. Any thoughts you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Hi Michelle,
    Thank you for the tutorial. I am not very good with technology, which speaks volumes about how thorough your post was. Thank you so much!

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  36. I am having a problem with my text quality whenever I save as PNG. The text becomes "fatter" and slightly blurred which makes it difficult to read. Do you have any suggestions for how I might resolve this problem? I am using PowerPoint 2007. Thanks!

    1. Hi Mrs. Tolbert!

      Try printing it out before you come to a final judgement.... Let me know how your file prints and then we will go from there...

      Feel free to email me (


  37. I'm confused. Are you either flattening or securing? Or are you doing both? I'm confused by why people would want to do both. Once it is flattened any "secured" document (that can be printed) can simply be printed by the user as a new (and unsecured) pdf.

  38. Thank you! You are my lifeline :)

  39. Something worth trying for blurry pdf images: I used the PNG images to create a new powerpoint and then saved it as Powerpoint Picture Presentation not the regular Powerpoint Presentation. I then saved it as a PFD file. The images came out sharper. Still not quite as sharp as in the original powerpoint but still an improvement.

  40. Thank you for this tutorial! I'm having some trouble getting my images from PNGs to Adobe. I've tried it with JPEGs and PNGs both, but neither will allow me to convert the image to a PDF when I right click. Any ideas?

  41. Question: How do you flatten, lock down, or secure clip art in lessons prepared in MS Word instead of MS PPT? I use MS Word as often as PPT. Each has a few features that the other does not. I convert both to PDF, of course, but want to secure images in MS Word, also. Any help appreciated.

  42. How do I keep my hyperlinks active on images on my credits page after securing the document?

  43. Great Article Michelle! I mostly use PDFfiller to add logos and pics to pdfs. Its not the same thing, but maybe someone needs it. It also allows you to create fillable pdfs and erase on it.
    Its pretty easy to use and its pretty cheap. I think you can get a free week if you and a friend both register.

  44. I have read your previous posts but still am a little confused. If I am wanting to secure a product, would adobe acrobat be ok to purchase for that?

  45. I have been searching for the best JPG to PDF converter and I really thank you for this perfect piece of information. I want to share this extraordinary as well as free and user friendly JPG to PDF converter with you



  46. I cant get the PNGs to convert to PDFs. I right click and dont get that option - any ideas?

    1. Hi Allison!

      First, check and make sure the clipart you are using requires that the images are flattened and secured. If flattening is not required, then skip to adding password encryption to the PDF in order to prevent the images from being taken by those who download your file.

      If you ARE required to flatten the images before converting to PDF and the PDF is not working, make sure you own Adobe Acrobat Pro. You cannot convert a file to PDF without this. You also will not be able to secure the file without owning Adobe Acrobat Pro.

      If you do own Adobe Acrobat and it's not working, then make sure you are using Windows 7 or 8 for the option. Older versions of windows or other operating systems (like MAC) may not have this option. You will have to look into that for your system. Just make sure that when you conduct a Google search, that you look at the date of the tutorials to make sure the information you are getting is still current and relative.

      I hope that helps.

      Thank you

  47. Thank you so much for all your help. Your presentation was awesome, however I ran into the same problem as others who didn't not have a 'convert' option. I am praying that the method of flattening and then pasting images back in to PPT and then converting to an encrypted file version of PDF will work as suggested above. Your blog is amazing, and you are such a help to those starting out with TpT. Again, thank you for all you do!

  48. Thank you so much for the detailed explication for flattening and securing a document! I am a new seller and find myself coming to your website quite a bit for "how to's" I have one question that I hope you will be able to answer. Once I convert my slides to a png the hyperlinks go away. Do you know how I save the credit page with the hyperlinks working? Thank you again for your hard work!


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