07 July, 2012

Winner, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and FREE BACKGROUNDS!!

And the Winner is............Drum Roll Please.........

Congrats to Mrs. Lindsey!!!! You should get an email shortly (-;
Onto other news!! 
I got my Clinique order in the mail yesterday!! Woo Hoo...
They had 50% off of overnight shipping if you spent over a certain amount..(uh hum) & well, needless to say, I went for the overnight shipping & it shipped from Kentucky...
It made me think of how cheap shipping really is..I only paid $10.00 to have an airplane fly my Clinique products to Phoenix!! Wow, I couldn't even get to Scottsdale with $10 worth of gas!! But lets not announce this reality...it's best we keep some money savers to ourselves!!

Here are my Clinique must-haves...if you must know...if you don't...you have my permission to skip this part!!

I have really sensitive skin and Clinique is the only product that has not caused me to have ANY reactions at all. Yes, it is expensive, but their products last long. I have never been able to buuy store-bought brands. Even as a teenager, I used Jafra skin care products. Everytime I use store-bought brands, even things like mascara, I end up with swelling or irritation. It is really annoying sometimes because if I run out of something, I either have to drive 45 minutes away to the mall or order my stuff. Clinique has a really great option to refill automatically. I have never used this because our finances tend to fluctuate, but if I were teaching, I would definitely opt on the auto-refill. 

I use this EVERYDAY! I love it. I tend to have really dry skin and this stuff works wonders.

This next one is what I call Magic-Zit be gone!!
I got it free on my last order and gave it to my daughter who struggles with monthly outbreaks & it cleared her face overnight!!! I sometimes get a couple of those nasty things's once a month too and when I put the gel on, the zit was completely gone in the morning! This stuff is marvelous. I just re-ordered it for my daughter and she was thrilled.

I absolutely love this next one...it is a concealer, but I can use this on its own...and when I use a light foundation on top, it really makes my skin look better.

This is a must-have for the summer in AZ. I spray this on my face (with or without make-up), let it dry on its own (about 20 seconds) and it completely makes it look like you just applied your make-up or it brings your skin to a clearer, more refreshed look. I love it!! I actually was talked into buying this by a sales clerk a few years ago after asking what it was & totally fell in love. The spray usually lasts me through 2 summers if I don't use it during the school year. It is definitely worth the $22

This next one is a treat & I don't always feel comfortable spending the money on it, but it works wonders on those light age spots. YES PEOPLE, I have them. I am 33 years YOUNG & my parents NEVER applied sunscreen on us as kids. I grew up practically right on the beaches in San Diego and you can imagine what that would do to a girl's skin over time. I bought this product for the first time on our last TPT payout (woo hoo) and I was sooo impressed with the results!! I wish I had taken before and after pics. It only lasted about 5.5 weeks (because I noticed a difference and decided to use it on a couple of spots on my legs...LOL..oh, and hands..hehehe), but I just got it again when I got my recent TPT check (not as big as last quarter...actually, almost $1000. less). I make close to $3600 last quarter...my biggest check from TPT, and I made about $2400 this quarter (still good, but I need to work harder).

I have a couple more products from them that I must have, but I will not bore you with anymore....Just so you know...I got this FREE hat for spending $196...wait, my husband reads my blog posts, so maybe I should not tell you how much I spent...YIKES!! I think the hat was worth it...hahahahaha!!! This is by far, the foulest free hat from Clinique yet!!! I love it when they give you the free summer bags....they are getting cheap I tell ya!! I can't complain...I will wear it...a hat is a hat!!

I went shopping last night 
(I have been shopping quite a bit lately...after a 2 year break....I think I am making up for lost time...although, I do not want to me making up for over-time in the winter...better stop now!!)

Well, now onto my last night adventure at Target, Party City, & HOBBY LOBBY!!! I got these babies at Target at 50% off!! This is a sneak peak of my Blog Meet-up gift bags. We only had 5 people RSVP, so I bought ten...hopefully we don't have more than ten.
Side note: Don't you dare RSVP just because there are cute little gift bags....hehehe JK!
I told the kids they could have the extra bags and they were excited. They were normally $2.50 and I got them each for $1.25!! The Lei's I bought at Party City...That place has gotten WAY over-priced!!! But these beaut's were only .99 cents each!! I'll take it!!

One more sneak preview for the AZ bloggy Meet-up...
You can find the details for the MEET-UP HERE


Scored these at Party City for $4.00

And this is the Shiz-nit..HAHAHA!!

Okay, I am bidding on an auction right now... (my husband got me hooked after I got all that other cool stuffers) and I am trying to win this...how much would you pay for this???

What a Teacher's Treasure Box!!!

Now, to end my extremely long, pointless post - 
I have some FREE blog backgrounds for you!!
I created these when I was trying to figure out what I wanted my blog to look like. I am starting a REAL store for my graphics & when I was cleaning out my files, I found these little treasure that I thought some of you might like. You can use them for anything...You DO NOT need to credit me when using these...these are free for the takin' 
You will probably have to play around with the sizes because I was learning at the time....(-;

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com
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  1. I want to try that spray thing! I think I have to make a trip to the mall here VERY soon:) I mean, VERY soon! I hate that it is like 10 miles away! EEKS! I too have been shopping like crazy! I am blaming this heat! Thanks for the freebies! I really like them:)

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

    1. Also...way to go on your TPT payout! I hope someday I can bring in that much! This was my first quarter and I made almost $600. I thought I was doing really well...until I read your post:( Someday!

    2. I think I only made $100 the first year I was on TPT!! You are doing great!!!


  2. You got some great buys!! I love the mustaches!! Thanks so much for the backgrounds. The wheels are turning on how to use these for my new projects. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Thank you! I hope you can use the backgrounds for something too..


  3. The mustaches are so cute! I saw pin on Pinterest last night that said "I mustache you a question, but I'm shaving it for later." Cracked me up! I love the free Clinique bags, I hope they haven't switched to hats permanently. I made a little graphic showcasing my 300 follower giveaway(going on now) and I used one of your backgrounds. Go check it out and tell me what you think, but keep in mind I am a complete novice and did it in Powerpoint...
    :) Dana
    Stop by & visit me @ Fun in 1st Grade

    1. Thank you!! I love that background!! I totally forgot I put that up for free....so cute!! Thank you for using it....I love seeing what everyone creates. Send me your Pinterest link and I will add you to my collaborative Pinterest board that allows everyone to showcase their products, resources, or other things made using my graphics...(-;

      Visit My Blog
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  4. That is a nice payout and you got great things. I am excited to have sold my first two items. I would love to get a payout of that someday :) Thanks so much for the backgrounds. I LOVE them. I too am trying to figure out what to do with them. I have several things that I have used your graphics to create and would love to post them to your collaborative board if that is still open. http://pinterest.com/mrsdickey/

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

    1. It took me three years to get serious about TPT and now I wish I had done it earlier. I started in 2008, but I only had a few things up. Keep working at it and putting your links out there and you will probably do better than I did my first year.

      I added you to the board!!

      Visit My Blog
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  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Clinique. I'm right there with you!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  6. Those backgrounds are super cute! I really wish I knew html and how to design a new layout. I want something original!

    1. I just created the backgrounds...and after about 100 different choices, I settled with the one I have now. In blogger template designer, you do not need to do any HTML work. Just select to choose a background, upload the background and Voila! Actually, it took me a while to get the right size down...It was a pain...

      Visit My Blog
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  7. Ooh!! Tuesday is almost here!! What are you wearing?? Hehehe that's what I'm worried about... IDK what to wear!!! :)
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

    1. I have a cute little sun dress I bought and haven't worn yet because I am saving it for Tuesday...hehehe... Nothing special! BUT....I get to wear my blue heels with it..WOO HOO!!

      What are you wearing??


  8. Hey girl!!! I have a few things I have made with your adorableness and would like them added to your board but don't know how.....help:0 ?

    4th Grade Frolics

  9. YAY! I'm so excited I won! :) Thanks for sharing the blog backgrounds, they are so cute!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  10. I haven't shopped in ages (I have to drive an hour to go shopping), but I am sooo wanting to after reading your post! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  11. Brown box deliveries NEVER get old! Still love getting stuff in the mail as much as I did when we were kids! Love your bargain finds=JEALOUS!

    ~Christy & Tammy

  12. Just curious - where are you bidding on those supplies at? Ebay? I promise I won't bid against you!! :o)


  13. Just found your blog and love these backgrounds you posted! I'm also super jealous about your payout :P I was excited when I just got mine and it was under $5 ...poor TPT probably spent more paying someone to send my email than what I made lol. I'm your newest follower and would love you to check out my little blog! :)




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