08 July, 2012


Okay, I have like a G-A-ZILLION pics!! We left for the auction site to pick up the lot yesterday and I told most of you that I would be back online if a couple of hours......apparently not. 
First, we had to load it all up into the truck, then drive home, THEN...unload the stuff from the truck, THEN....go through the boxes, clean it up & organize...PHEW!! I took the pics this morning because going through all of that stuff completely wore me out. I don't know if I have the stamina do EVER do this again...especially since I have to figure out how to group the items and re-sell them...

I have to say that there was a TON of cool stuff! Here are the pics I took and this is not even all of it...seriously!! I stopped because I needed to get some custom graphics finished...
Going through all of this stuff made me wish I was teaching this year...Most of the resources are more for 1st-3rd grade; however, there is stuff in here for 4th and 5th grade as well. I think much of it would be great for a more center-oriented classroom. There are tons of resources for math games and hands-on activities and lessons. There are tons of books that I haven't even had the chance to clean up or take pics of yet...I figured this was plenty to show at one time...hehehe

Email me if you see anything you like and offer me a price. I will ship in the U.S. & Canada. 

I hope you all got through that alive (-; 
Not much more to say except that we are two days away from the Arizona blog meet-up!! It is not too late to RSVP...
click the link to get the details about the AZ blog Meet-Up!!
Can't wait to see all of your lovely faces!!!

Thank you soooo very, berry much for following (-;

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com
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  1. looks like you got a lot of good loot.

  2. Oh my goodness you got some AMAZING stuff. I am a bit jealous :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  3. Wow, I am really jealous. I would not want to go through and organize all of that stuff, but I wish I had some of it.

    Diving Into Learning

  4. Wow! Score at the auction!! Those are some great finds! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. holy cow girl... that is a great score :)

  6. Awesome finds!!! Have fun at the meet- up :)

    Color Me Kinder

  7. Holy Moly! What kind of auction is this? How did you find out about it? I'd love to take the pattern blocks off your hands. Maybe even some of the yellow base 10 blocks (ones,tens, hundreds, thousand)

  8. Did someone auction off their classroom or something? Seriously, how did you find these great treasures?
    Enter my giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade

  9. It's like Storage Wars for teachers (a new guilty pleasure)! Such fabulous finds and great teaching tools. Thanks for sharing!

    ~Christy & Tammy

  10. OMG, that is a lot of stuff!! No wonder it took you so long, yikes. :)


  11. Yes, where was this wonderful auction place??!?!!
    Come check out my new blog Teaching in Valley

  12. Wow, that is so many goodies!! I sent you an email yesterday. I have been looking for some of this stuff! Where did you find this fantastic auction place?


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