05 July, 2012

In Loving Wisdom Linky & AZ Blog Meet up Reminder!!!

I am linking up with Deb Thomas @
Fabulously First

The first year teaching is the most difficult. I would have to say that it really wasn't until my 4th year teaching that I began to feel like I had it down...(-; In this profession, you will often feel overworked, underpaid, and under appreciated. It sort of comes with the territory. You will work long hours, you will work on your own time and it will not be easy. You might get attitude from your spouse, who may not understand the responsibility you have chosen to take on, but do not give up hope and do not stop working hard. Do not expect people to give you recognition...it is rare! The way to know that you are doing a great job is through your students and their families. 
Parents can be difficult, but remember that you are the professional. Stay away from the lunch room gossip! No matter how tempting it may be, stay far away. If someone seeks to enrage a fire...tackle the problem head on whether it is yours or not. If someone comes to you complaining about another teacher, get that other teacher in the room and tell them both to talk to each other. That always stops the flame. If you are having feelings about someone, do not seek out the gossip queen for wisdom. Find someone you can trust who will support you, but also hold you accountable to your own actions - this is a true friend.

Create a board where students can put their love notes on for you...trust me...those notes can really uplift you on hard days because it is a reminder why you chose this profession.

Here is a letter from one of my 7th grade students that really touched my heart...she put a lot of thought into this letter.

Here is a plate that one of my Kindergarten students made me....It totally made me cry!! She even drew my curly hair and my high heels...hehehehe!!

Here is a sweet letter from a parent...the parent letters are treasures too!!

My last bit if advice to you...
In the midst of the business, remember to get to know your students, to listen to them, to be a good example for them and to enjoy them for the time that you will greatly impact their lives!!

Memories are forever!!

Side Note: ATTN: AZ Bloggers...
Our Blog Meet up is coming around the corner!! We need everyone's RSVP by Sunday night if possible. Click the button to see the details and how to RSVP. We hope to see all of you in Phoenix on Tuesday, July 10th!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com
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  1. I think that, in my unique situation, I have a lot to be hopeful about my first year. My husband and I will both be tackling our first years at the same time, in the same school, and know what each other will be going through... I'm sure there is a downside to that, but I'm choosing to focus on the upsides!

    Thank you for the wonderful advice and wisdom, as always! I am so grateful to this linky party as a first-year teacher!

    There's No Place Like Second Grade

    1. My adopted parents have worked together in education for years. At one point my dad was a principal and my mom was the vice principal for the same school! It words for some and at least you will have lots to share and talk about!! I would love to have a husband that shared my interests...you are a lucky gal!!!


  2. Wow, thanks for all the great advice! This will be my first year and I am so excited to learn from more seasoned professionals. Great advice on avoiding the gossip...no good can ever come from it.

    Hope to see you at my blog soon:)


    1. How exciting!! I wish you all the best & you can email anytime


      I have seen a lot of women suffer greatly because they have dared to enter the school gossip ring. It is definitely okay to discuss things...that is different (a fine line really).

      Have a great school year!!

  3. I love that you have pics of all your notes! :) I need to start doing that so I can remember the good messages. Great post!


    1. I actually keep a scrapbook that was given to me by a parent and I paste all of the notes and cards inside to treasure. I am not teaching this year, so they are reminders (-;


  4. Replies
    1. Thank you!! My students and their parents have always been the best for recognizing my hard work...they definitely pick me up when I am down and remind me why I chose teaching. Although, I am not teaching this year )-;


  5. Your blog is so much fun! You have created something interactive and exciting. Great job! I'm posting something about you at noon today. Check it out!

    Heather at TeachItToday

  6. This was such a great idea!! Thank you Deb!!


  7. sooo true,I experienced the same and am just starting to feel a little comfortable, only after 4 years of teaching.

    Enjoy Teaching English

  8. I love all the gifts of love from the parents and students. In college, one of our professors told us to keep a "smile file" with all our favorite notes. Mine is starting to get pretty big. I don't have a plate yet, though. You must be extra special! ;)

    First-Graders from Outer Space

  9. I loved your post today. Are you teaching next year? I am really sad I will miss the AZ Bloggy Meet Up. I will still be out of town. I hope there will be another one that I can come to! I love your blog and while you have heard it before, I have nominated you for some blog awards, hoping others will follow you too if they don't know about you yet. Have fun at the meetup!
    First Class Teacher

  10. GREAT advice! I wish I had saved all the kid and parent letters but I didn't/haven't. Sigh.

    That letter is truly a gem...SUPPORTIVE is the key word! And "never say never" is so true and it takes an inspiring and supportive teacher to make kids BELIEVE it. Kudos to you!


  11. Just what I needed to hear! I will be a first year teacher and this is GREAT advice!! Thanks a bunch!

    Just diving In

  12. Thank you for such thoughtful advice for new teachers! I will be a first year 2nd grade teacher this year and am beyond excited to begin the new school year! I know that there is much more that comes with the territory of teaching than what meets the eye, but I am prepared. Fortunately, I am blessed with a wonderful husband (we're newlyweds of a month) who is so supportive and helpful when it comes to my love for teaching. Currently, our living room looks like a children's library and he has been lovingly painting my new rocking chair for the past three days after he gots home from work.

    I love your idea of having a board to put up love notes from students and their parents. I just finished my student teaching in May and made 2 pages in my brand new teacher scrapbook of pictures from my students and memories from my year. I also have a love notes binder where I put everything a student or parent has given me in page protectors so on not so good days I can look through and smile about all of the wonderful moments I have had in my very short time in the classroom.

    I look forward to reading more on your blog.. sometimes I think that we are all 3 AM teachers! My poor husband has been going to bed without me every night because I am planning, printing, laminating and crafting away!

    Thanks for such great advice!

    That's So Second Grade

    1. Thank you so much Ashley!! You are so sweet! I think you are right by saying we are all 3AM teachers!! Well, maybe just the best ones...hehehe

      I also keep my notes, pictures, and letters in scrapbooks and clear sheet covers. I love the memories. I have 3 scrapbooks and 1 picture book full of memories. Every year, I also created a home-made calendar year book for the kids to keep for the next school year. I have also created and put together picture videos that I played for the Kinder graduation ceremony before they walked in...

      It seems like you also love your students!! I am not sure if I am following you, so I am going to go check right now (-;

      Visit My Blog
      Email The 3AM Teacher
      Visit My FB Page

  13. Thank you so much for all this amazing advice! As excited as I am to be a first year 1st grade teacher I am equally as nervous but posts like this remind me why I've always wanted to teach! :)


Love Notes...