05 June, 2012

June Currently, AUCTION Winner, Linky Help & FREEBIES!!!!

I am linking up to Farley's monthly currently...Her new button and blog design is adorable!!

I have been enjoying the new computer.....I don't think I have left my house much the last three days!!!  I have been working on graphics and two new novel study units for the older kids this time around (-;  I am also going to start the illustrations for my children's book...I can't wait!!!

On another note...I recently scored some cool stuff at auction!! Actually, my husband scored it to be honest. My hubs is a bit addicted to looking at the auctions. Well, this last weekend he noticed some drafting equipment and thought it would be cool for me. He bid on two lots and won the one that wasn't the drafting lot, but a little bit of something else...For those of you who live in Arizona...PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let me know if you need some fasteners!! hahaha The lot included a bunch of the most random things....A ton of threading needles, long wooden rulers, small wooden rulers, push pins & a million fasteners...NO JOKE!! or those of you that teach, these fasteners are like gold! I scored tons of boxes of the brass (extra large) fasteners, and a million specialty fasteners (both large and small). The specialty fasteners are the ones many scrapper's use. They are packaged & still have the $2.50 price tag on each box!!!

Here are some of the awesome pics!!!

The large red and white boxes are full of the large fasteners & the pile you are looking at contains tons of packages of push pins!!

This box (along with several others) is just full of multi-colored fasteners with a round top (-; FUN!!

All different shapes, colors and sizes in brand new packages!!
 over 60 packages of cute Zebra paper clips!!

So I am already working on a craft with the kids!! Today we started the process of making cork-boards with rolled cork (we already had) and the rulers cut to size...so far, so good!!

My son and the dog had fun sorting through the boxes of crafty goodies!!

I thought about putting some of it up for sale, but I really don't want to have to mail it out...I think we will be giving Broden's teacher a present in August...Even I can't think of enough crafts to make with all this!!

I am working on a couple of great linky's. I am going to need a little help on the one. I would like to start a continuous story starter linky, called...To Be Continued... I would like to start on a topic and allow everyone to add to it for a period of time. I think it would be really funny to read (-; I am just not sure how to go about the linking up part. Should everyone just link up or should there be a list that I put together with bloggers who would like to participate and build on the story by giving each blogger on the list a turn???  Let me know your thoughts...maybe this would be something no one would like to do, but I like writing silly and crazy stories & I thought it would be fun to have a bunch of educators come up with one.

I will continue working on putting together the freebie PDF files for you.
And now for some FREEBIES!!! I have some Funky Glasses & a couple random freebies for you (-;
Please read my Terms of Use BEFORE using my graphics for personal and/or commercial use...

IPhone in 3 colors

Earth in 3colors (Web 2.0 style)

Thank you for following my blog!!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com Pin It


  1. Oh a story linky, that would be fun.

    And holy fasteners! You should open up a store in your garage lol.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

    1. Hahaha!! I know, right?? I have no clue what I am going to do with all of them!!!


  2. The writing kinky sounds So creative and fun. I think the best idea would be to create a set of bloggers who want to participate and our then in a certain order. That way the crazy silly story wouldn't be completely all over tge place. Instead there would be some sequence to the story! I would love to participate in it by the way :) when I read your posts about AZ it makes me miss it a ton. We have a home there and it is SIMPLY one of my very favorite places to be.


    1. I agree about the linky!! I think I will have a sign-up post and then create a list from there (-;

      I bet you are glad you aren't in AZ now...it's hot!! (-;


  3. A story linky -- how cool! You always have the best ideas. And holy moly! I want to go to an auction and get all that fun stuff too!!

    Learning With Susie Q


    1. I am going to put the linky stuff together today and start with a sign-up post (-; It will be great summer fun reading...hahaha..Maybe it can be something shared with next year's class (-;

      My husband became addicted to the Phoenix auction after scoring a ton of air conditioning and heating supplies at a couple hundred bucks!! The online bidding can be find of fun because you never really know what will be in the closed boxes...LOL!!


  4. Your blog is just so much fun to read:) I look forward to your posts!

    We are ALL Special!

  5. ok if you want to just send me...JUST ME a few things... that would be awesome... I started drooling when you mentioned rulers... LOOOOONG rulers... I collect yard sticks LOL and then the fasteners OMGOLLY!!! you hit it rich in teacher terms FO SHO!!!

  6. Maybe I'll show up and begin crafting with ALL the fun stuff you received. I'll be in and out. You won't notice I was there. Don't think you can keep count of all that!
    My Second Sense

  7. What type of computer did you get? I love my Mac, though I don't know how to use it all. I have a Chihuahua, too! His name is Niles and he is almost 13!

    1. I had a custom build. I picked out the in win tower and then added all the goodies (-; I have not used Mac (well, except in the schools) & I am really not a fan. I am just so happy to have a fast working computer!

      I can't believe your little pup is 13 years old!! My oldest one passed away last year and I took it pretty hard. Niles is such a cute name...makes me think of a refined Englishman...hahaha


  8. Look at all that cool stuff! The story linky sounds cute :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  9. Holy moly! All of those fasteners are teacher gold-we never have enough of those in our building!

    Will Grade For Coffee

    1. I know!!! When I was teaching, fasteners were one of those items that was never around...now what am I going to do???hehehe> I am going to take some to the school, but maybe I'll use them as giveaway items...hehehe


  10. Awesome stuff from the auction! The story linky sound like fun!

    Fun in First Grade

  11. Glad to hear you're enjoying your new computer!
    Now take a break and get to the beach, girl!!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

    1. Thank you, Barb!! I did take a day (not from work) but out of the office (-;


  12. That is a LOT of fasteners!
    I use your freebie frames a lot and I'm in love with the ones that look like a collage (one is purple & green, the other pastel, and the third has lots of red&blue.) Any chance you have plans to make a few more collage-type frames?


  13. Hi Michelle!

    You really scored at the auction! I love the little shaped ones!

    Check out my little shout out to you on my blog!
    Talk to you soon!


Love Notes...