31 May, 2012

Twas the Day Before My Computer Arrived & Some helpful Tips for Office lovers

Twas the Day Before My Computer Arrived
Michelle Tsivgadellis

Twas the day before my computer arrived 
And all through the house
Not a processor was humming...
not even a mouse (haha..pun...get it)

I prodded and booted
such a stubborn HP
while dreaming of dragons
and CyberPower as fast as can be!

Software keys and  serial numbers
and cd's galore
Were stacked one on the other
All over the floor.

The desk was cleaned off
of all clutter and beer 
(not really...it was the only rhyming word I could think of)
Knowing that CyberPower
Would soon be right here.

All through the night
I tossed and I turned 
And dreamed of fast video cards
and the coding I've learned!

In the morning I ran 
to the office for sure
to open my gmail
and search for the whereabouts of my computer-blues cure.

All software deactivated and 
chords all unplugged
while I waited for transit
And twiddled my thumbs

I cleaned and arranged
And I blogged and I posted
until the time came
when I felt a little bit roasted.

I went to the entrance of my bedroom so round
to put on my swimsuit 
When I heard a familiar sweet sound...

A MARVELOUS sound...

that I ever could hear

The sweet, marvelous sound of the doorbell so near
so dingy and happy and all full of cheer!

I swung open the door
And who should appear
but a knight in shining brown armor
with a pen and a tablet and saying, "sign here"

He gave me the box
then turned and left with a swish
Oh! How I love Mr. Prince Charming U -  P -  S!

My new computer is here
So lovely and white
just a little bit larger
in weight and it height!!!

I scissored and opened 
with all of my might
and froze in awe
at its' shining bright sight!!

After new downloads and uploads
I can finally design
Move over HP
My white dragon is now first in line!!

Okay, I think little Roxie was getting jealous ...LOL!
Here is a side by side comparison....I didn't think it was going to be this much of a difference!!
It's final resting place!

Okay, enough about my white dragon..hehehe...I am just so excited to get my design projects done!!! Misty...I am all yours now!!!

Completely off-topic, but I have had a lot of questions concerning what programs I use and how to use certain programs. I wanted to show you these cute reference sheets that I orders on Amazon a while back when I had upgraded to Microsoft Office 2010. They cover the basics and short cuts and you can get these for almost any program out there. They come in handy for things that I don't do often, but they are also handy for beginners. I keep them close by while I work at my desk.

Click HERE to check these out on Amazon for about $4 bucks each! If this link does not work, you can type, Microsoft Office Reference Sheets, in the search bar @ Amazon. I also find things like this for free online and I will post the links of the good ones in my next post.

Here is something I added to my weekly white board on my desk today. I love Sticky-Notes (-; And now they have them in cute colors and I just can't resist!!

Thank you for following my blog!!!

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  1. Replies
    1. I know...right??? No more crashes...that is all that matters (-;


  2. Congrats!!!! can't wait to see what you create

    1. Me too!! hehehe! I will be finishing a new set today...


  3. Oooohhhh......Aaaaahhhhh! Congratulation on your cool new computer. Your post was hilarious!

    1. Thank you!!! I am soo excited and this thing is so fast!!

  4. Oh man, your poem cracked me up. That computer looks a lot like my husband's- and his is SO fast and amazing! I'm happy yours finally made it there! :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

    1. What does your husband do?? The new computer has made a huge difference!!


  5. Haha nice! Love the poem! And that looks like a serious computer. Definitely kicking me new PC in the behind!


    1. Thank you!I can't believe how fast this thing is....makes my other one seem so slow.


  6. That computer of yours is HUGE! Can't wait to see what you make with it! The poem was hilarious, you're so creative!

    Down Under Teacher

    1. You are in luck!! I am going to post a freebie in my post for today (-;


  7. LOL your poem cracked me right up! You are seriously a goof. Love ya girlfriend! :)

    A Year of Many Firsts

    1. Thanks!!! The goof in me keeps me humble and sane enough to be around people....hahahaha!!! Aren't all good teachers/creative minds a little goofy??? (or maybe a lot).


  8. Michelle,

    That was a wonderful poem! Enjoy your new tool/toy! :)

    Smiles and Sunshine

  9. You are a lyrical genius! Awesome poem! That computer is amazing. I've truly never seen anything Ike it!

    :) Dana

    1. THANK YOU!!

      Neither have I...LOL!!!!! Luckily, every electronics/computer store in Arizona did not have ANY gaming/design computers in stock. I would just bought one in stores, but now....I will NEVER buy another computer in an electronics store again!!! This thing is so awesome and completely organized inside so I can easily add or remove to it...AWESOME!!


  10. So that tower is pretty sweet! You left me sorta jealous! :)

  11. Hi Michelle. I am a new follower!

    You replied so quickly about the half-hour clocks graphics on TPT (so excited - THANKS!), I had to come check out your blog. I'm working on a post that will give you a shout out too. It should be up Monday if you want to check it out.


  12. This is such a lovely poem, Michelle. The White Dragon looks so swell. What do you plan to do with your HP? This new computer will surely make you more motivated to pursue your projects. Cheers!

  13. Hey digital poet! ;) The Dragon Rider looks superb, and it is literally towering above the old one. I think I would be as excited as you are if I were in your position. I really adore its design concept inspired by the medieval age. How it is intended to protect your components similar to how the rider maneuvers his dragon to protect his castle. Nice! Now, go take down your projects one by one!

    Lance Vartanian

  14. Those words really rhyme so well! You did a great job in creating a poem for your PC. It should be considered as a one technical masterpiece. :) Well, the white dragon is the new age of computer by the way it looks. It looks to me that it has that speed and power of a dragon, and whenever you're playing games with 3D graphics, you don't have to worry about the game crippling in those highly designed environment.

    Benita Bolland

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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