17 July, 2012

Working like a dog & Playing like a puppy...FREE BACKGROUNDS 2

Wow! I can't believe it has been almost a week since my last post!! I feel so out of the blog loop. Plus also (in my best Junie B. voice), ever since I joined the TT group on Facebook, I have lagged in reading all of your blogs!! 

Today is a new day; however, and I can set new goals....starting with some heavy blogging (-;
My TPT sales have been low (very low) and I have a feeling it has a lot to do with my lack of blogging...eeks! Does anyone else notice this relationship between blogging frequency and sales?? Just wondering...
Like my title states, I have been working like a dog lately. I have taken on quite a few custom graphics orders, but I am having a lot of fun. I have met some great peeps in the blogosphere.
I do not typically do custom blog designs because it just takes a lot of time away from my graphic sets, but I just had to on this one...I made Sarah a button and a header for her blog that needed to match the existing background...what do you think???

I noticed that her code does not work properly, which I hadn't done for her. I will send her proper code - but for the meantime, this pic is linked! Definitely check out her blog & send her some love if possible...you are all so wonderful!!
I actually had fun creating the button and header... mostly because I loved the colors I had to work with (-;

Things I will be working on over the next two weeks:
I give you permission to get excited over...

Firefly and insect set
Leave it to the Greeks (clip art set)
Back2School Set #2
It's a Silly World Set #2
The Hop (Grease themed set)
Science & then some
More frames (stripes, patterns, scribbles & doodles)

I hate to admit this, but I am most excited about the Greek theme!! 
I am also excited that I am working with a great gal (I believe there are two, but I think I have only chatted with Krista) who has developed Reading Olympians - an education program used to integrate teaching students Greek and Latin roots to deepen their understanding of words. Her program currently covers grades K-3 (and possibly 4th), and 5-8th is to come. I believe what she is doing is incredible and I can't wait to get the images completed. If you would like to learn more about the Reading Olympians program, you can stop by Krista and Julie's website

Or follow their TPT store

I also want to take a second to thank all of you who continually send people my way for clip art...it always puts a smile on my face. I have Nicole from

Teaching with Blonde Ambition

to thank for the Greek referral! Thank you Nicole!! I am so excited to get started on this set!!

I don't want to make this post too long, but I have so much to tell....
Moving on....I decided to rearrange my office because we got a new filing cabinet that I just had to somehow fit into my teeny space. Our office is the smallest spot in our house with a little over 3300 square feet...and that is not the worst part...I spend 90% of my time in there!!! Anywho, my son and I took EVERYTHING out (boy did I have a lot of teaching junk   Urr, treasures. The furniture is all big and woody, and hard to move....which is why we ended up moving things around about 8 times (no joke) just to end up only switching TWO pieces of furniture!!! hehehehe...My husband and I were a mess, our backs were aching and our patience was slimming, but I did manage to snap a few photos....shhhhhhh

Stuff we took out...in order to be able to move the furniture...

These pictures do not do the mess justice at ALL!! I tried to keep it as organized as possible, but I was getting help from my little helper dude...and well, I could not complain about that...

Here is the move...maybe here would look nice...take apart the computer, unplug, move to the side, move the desks and the bookshelves, hook the computer back up....and

HMMMM..."Do you like it?" Says I to my husband. "Hmmmm, Do you like it?" says my husband to I (me)...
Something is just not right...lets move it another million times, in every possible angle, and...
The middle of the office is not lookin' so great..."Let's try again" says I to my husband..."hmmm, let's not", says my husband to I (me)...
Yikes...here comes the final straw & here is the end result...HAHAHA
I forgot to mention that I wanted to pain the walls...maybe I will tell him later...hahahaha

And yes, my office chair is covered with a sheet...WHY? You ask...well, the leather stains my legs because I sit with my feet on my desk and my knees peeking out from where I am sitting...I can't help it...I'm SHORT-FEET TALL!!

 (this is what a previous student of mine use to called me...HILARIOUS!!! LOVE SAVANNAH NIX!!!)
I cleared out many of the things I no longer use and put them in my closet...because that area needs to be cleaned out next...Bwahahahaha! Oh, but I saved a little spot for my friend...
TT Bloggers...UNITE...hehehe
It is pointing down because that was where my desk had to stay...exactly where it was before we rearranged the furniture...tehehehe..

With work...there is also a little bit of puppy play involved...SHOPPING...and swimming...and looking at the puffy clouds in the sky and having a difficult time not thinking about making smores...)-;
Here is my little treasures I found at Target (which we pronounce the rich people way...hehehe)
My daughter and I could not resist the dollar area...it calls for us......PRECIOUS!
Here are a couple puffy clouds for you to enjoy so we can all crave the gooey goodness of chocolate, graham cracker and marshmallows!!
I have to say...my phone takes pretty good pictures...when it likes what it sees apparently...

And like I said before (for those of you puzzled because these pics do not appear to come from AZ)...our neighborhood does not look like Arizona....enjoy the deception people...once you get on the freeway, it is nothing but rock, desert, and the 120 heat....

As always...I would like to leave you with some FREEBIES!!! I am almost done with my new website for my growing graphics store and I have a few new sets I can't wait to get uploaded...
Enjoy these while you can...
(please read my TOU)
I am working on updating my terms of use as well. No big changes, just more clarity. I will leave you with a thought...if you remove the clip art from something you created and there is nothing left....you might get a message from the 3AM police...hehehe...JK. But you want to make sure that you have a resource that can stand on its own if the clip art is removed. If not, then you must go back to the drawing board...

Enjoy these Freebies...

Thank you for following my blog and supporting my art!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com  Pin It


  1. Thank you so much for the freebies and the shout out! :) You are a sweetie!


    1. Thank you!!! I so much appreciate the referral & I hope you get some traffic and many new followers!!


  2. Thank you for the freebie. I love your clip art :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

    1. You are very welcome! Thank you for stopping by -;


  3. I am jealous of your home office. Mine turned into a storage room. :( We live in an apartment and are outgrowing it. Thank you for the freebies! My blog isn't huge yet because I am rather new, but I'd love for you to visit and follow me.


    1. Don't be jealous...I live in it..hahaha...I don't even hardly sleep. If mine were used as a storage, I would be forced to face the world...maybe a good thing (-;

      I visited and followed your cute blog!! You have some great ideas & I am looking forward to your posts!!
      Visit My Blog
      Email The 3AM Teacher
      Visit My FB Page

  4. Love your office and thanks for the freebies, as well as your hard work on my header and button (as well as the shout out!).

    Learning is for Superstars

    1. Ahhhh! Thank you! You are so sweet & you were so easy to work with (-;

      I sent you over the code for your button (-;

      Visit My Blog
      Email The 3AM Teacher
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  5. Haha! I feel the same about TT... I need to finish my work!!! Ah!!
    I love the freebies! Those backgrounds are AWESOME! :)
    I can't wait for your new sets!
    Sweet Times in First

    1. Thanks Sandra!! I am soooo behind on reading blogs...I can't pry myself away from Facebook....hehehehe

      Visit My Blog
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  6. Thank you so much for the great freebies. So cute! I can't wait to use them.
    The Hive

  7. My favorite line: "...could not resist the dollar area...it calls for us......PRECIOUS!"

    You posts are always entertaining. I can't wait to see the new clipart sets. Thanks for the freebies! You are fabulous!

    Thinking Out Loud

    1. Thank you soo much!! I am glad that I can make at least one person giggle...hehehehe

      Visit My Blog
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  8. Thanks for the freebies! Love them!


  9. Thanks for the freebies! Love the star ones :)

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  10. Loving the pointer pointing down.

    And also: I'm short-feet tall, too. So, I understand the sheet :)

    Fun in Room 4B

    1. Tell me about it...my chair is falling apart, but I don't want to go buy a new one and have the same thing happen again...hehehe

      Visit My Blog
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  11. Great job on the blog design and thank you for the freebies!
    Kelly Teach

  12. Thanks for the freebies! Don't you hate how a room gets so much more messy before it ges better??
    Teaching With Style

  13. Thanks for the freebies! I just added your button to my blog~ you are my first blogger button!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  14. I'm such a frame junkie . . .will be looking forward to those!

  15. love that button you did for her! and hubs HATES when I get the rearranging bug up my butt...which is a lot actually..lol..
    can't wait to see your new sets!!

  16. I am super excited about the Greek set! I have a book that needs revamping, and it will be perfect!!!! Can't wait!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  17. Excited for the Greek-themed clipart! It will be great to have something unique to incorporate my heritage into some of my lessons :)

    Thanks for including Krista and Julie's website too-I'm going to check it out!

    primary practice

  18. OMG I just found and started following Learning is for Superstars last night. I love her header and button, I didn't realize that you created it. . .good job. Your office came out great. I can't wait to read the conversation when you tell your husband about your painting plans. Thanks so much for the freebies. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the stars.

    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  19. The more I see your amazing work the more excited I am to see the Greek graphics:) Thanks for the Reading Olympians shout out!! You are the best!!

  20. Thanks for the freebies! I love your work:). I'm new to the blogging world. Please stop by & visit my blog.

  21. Thanks so much for the freebies! I'm into stars right now.
    Hubs is cutie! It had to be said lol...

    Strive to Sparkle


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