23 September, 2012

A Little Somethin' Somethin' for Sunday: How to Block Ads from Facebook Tutorial!!!

I have to first say that I am seeing my art out in the world more often & it makes me feel so excited that you all are using my graphics to make some of the most incredible resources!! I have a collaborative Pinterest board and would like for anyone to join who would like to brag about stuff they have created using my art... I love being able to see everything in one place (-; If you would like to join, just leave your Pinterest link below & I will add you as an exclusive pinner..hahaha... You can even grab the cute button I created to get more traffic to that board. 

Here is the link if you would like to take a quick peek

I am not sure if many of you have noticed, but lately, Facebook has been bombarded with third party ads and sponsors. The ads were not so invasive before the Facebook interface changed to the Timeline. Anything inappropriate, I was able to click the little "x" in the top right hand corner of the ad & then remove it...simple. The more inappropriate ads I removed, the less I received until I did not get anything that I would not be embarrassed to have pop-up. 

Now, it seems like you can't even scroll through your wall without there being some ad that pops up. It has become so bad and invasive that I have not allowed my kids to play their games. Well, my son asked to play a few Zynga games and I let in - how bad could a few games be, right?? Well, this morning he came running in and said that there was an ad that kept showing up and he couldn't get rid of it! I told him to bring me the computer...

"Mommy is the geek, so any computer issues are always brought to me"...hahaha

When he brought me the computer -  I WAS TOTALLY SHOCKED!!  I have never had ads as bad as this before!! There was a HUGE (full sidebar) picture of a (almost nude) woman with the text, "You Know You're Curious....Click Here"

Holy !*&#^HKJDFHKLUHSISUH:ALKN<OI*^&$)(&#_)(*#)(#@!!

How DARE they invade our privacy like that!! I tried changing the privacy settings, turning off the chat and upping the security, but it still would not go away. When I tried to close the ad using the "x" in the top right corner, I was immediately taken to a PORN site!!! It is one thing that this crap pops up on the T.V. all the time when you're least expecting it (which is one reason I don't have cable....), but it is even worse when you are on your OWN account and this stuff finds its way to invade your thoughts. 

I Don't feel that anyone should be forced to have to watch or see anything they don't want to. I stopped our cable because the kids just sat in front of it for hours, but also because I was so tired of being forced to watch half-nude women pop-up on the screen in-between a discovery show...or Fringe.... 

The networks always say, "well, you don't have to watch it"...which is completely true! EXCEPT....the stuff pops up right after a flippin' potty commercial or a commercial about Stovetop!! To me, that is forcing the consumer to watch something they may not want to see... It is one thing if you see what is playing and turn the channel to watch it, but when you don't get a choice...to me, that is completely against our constitution!!! We should not be forced into looking at soft-porn or pornography...unless we CHOOSE to do so. Prostitution is illegal in almost every state! So why then, are the networks allowed to show a Victoria Secret commercial with a woman's crotch right in your face in the first screenshot??? I love shopping there, but I don't need to see a bunch of women touching themselves in a room with my children to know that I need a bra!! I have boobs people - I know I need a bra!!

I no longer have cable...I did make a choice...I am NOT going to pay to be forced to watch that crap & I don't want my son or my daughter believing that the purpose of a woman is solely for the pleasure of others.

Anyway....I believe that women are, by far, the most incredible beings on this earth!! I think, instead of wearing nothing to get attention from creepy (or any) man, we should instead wear a shirt that says,


Where there is my rant, but back to the Facebook 3rd party ad take-over!! If you would like to get rid the the Facebook ads, as well as any other ads on other sites you may visit (like yahoo mail), I have a great Google Chrome extension for all of you that I found!! Here is how you take back your rights and the ability to choose what you look at (whatever that may be).

First, Got to the Google Chrome Web Store (where you can get cool extensions for your web browser) & download the Adblock Plus Beta Extension (the best extension EVER)!!

Click HERE

Once you click on the link, your screen should look something like the screenshot below.
If the link does not take you directly to the extension download page, then go to the Google Chrome Web Store (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/home)
and type "Adblock Plus Beta" in the search menu.
Click the blue button that says, "ADD TO CHROME" and then follow the steps to download the extension.
Once the extension is downloaded, close out your browser and restart it (you can also press F5, but that does not always do the trick).

Now log on to your FB page and see the difference??? If you don't see a change, follow the steps to make sure that the extension is enabled in your browser...

1.  Find the WRENCH icon at the top right corner of your browser (in Google Chome)

2. Click on the WRENCH and scroll down to settings (click it)

3. A new browser window opens up with your settings page.

4. Click on "EXTENSIONS" in your left side menu

There are directions for installing this extension on a MAC computer as well. I do not believe that Firefox supports this extension, but I may be completely wrong...Just do a search for Adblock extensions and I am sure you will find something for any browser... Enjoy the peace!!

5. Look for the "stop sign" icon for the Adblock extension and make sure that the box next to "enabled" is checked"

If you still have problems, clear out your browsing history and temporary files and try again or go to the HELP menu in the Google Chrome Web Store.

I LOVE not having ads on my Facebook page!!

**For those of you who enjoy the ads or the soft porn during commercials, I am not judging you at all - I simply my own personal preference and choice not to be forced to look at those images...


I also wanted to share with you the beginnings of my new web store that I am hoping to have finished soon. I was using a WIX template, but the limitations on my creativity were driving me insane. I thought using a template would be a quicker way to go, but sadly, I was wrong. I trashed everything I did and chose to use my Adobe Muse for the first time!! Holy cow - I am LOVING Adobe more and more everyday!! First , you plan out your site...mine was taken in three screenshots (so far)...hahaha

Then, you begin to work on the design without any limitations as to what you can think of to ad!!
I worked on it for a couple of hours last night and I got my Master page finished (for the most part)...TAH-DAH!!

And I even have a surprise for all of you!!
While working on a blog re-design (Yes, I am going to make some changes to my blog as well), I created some blog backgrounds that I will not be using. You are free to grab and use as you wish. They  are great for a blog background, but you can also use them to spruce up your cover pages on your files!!
Happy Sunday everyone!! 
(P.S. - the TPT Fall sale is still on until tomorrow night. Everything in my store is discounted 20% - you might want to check it out)...

And now for the FREE Blog Backgrounds!!

And an extra cute text frame shape!!

Thank you for visiting!!
& Thank you for the pins!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com Pin It


  1. Thank you so much for the help in getting rid of those crazy ads. I was just about to close out my Facebook account because they were so bad and now I am so excited. You are a saint and a scholar and I totally thank you for passing on this bit of wisdom.

    1. I hear ya!!! I can't stand how many of them there are now - it is so completely annoying...thank goodness for miracle extensions!! hahaha


  2. Hi, Michele
    I´m Oxana, from teacher's Clipart. I know you must be really busy, I am too, but I just noticed that they removed the link to mygraphico in TpT. I think is our oportunity to make a blog with all the clipart sellers from TpT and hopefully they put our link there. I made a blog for that purpose sometime ago. Please let me know if you are interested in this project so we can start it soon.
    I think you have my mail now.

    1. Oxana, Please email me because I actually spoke with a few other artists on TPT and we started a blog....We haven't had time to really get it all set up, so I would love to team up with you!!


  3. There is an extension (add-on)for Firefox. It is called AdBlock Plus. I used to use it, but it slowed my browsing considerably. I would love to find something else that didn't slow my computer for Firefox. Any suggestions?

    I love the backgrounds! They are so colorful and fun!

    Reading Toward the Stars!

    1. Hi Andrea,

      Here is the latest version of the Adblock Plus for Firefox. The updates are supposed to correct the memory usage and slow downs. If you download this, please let me know if it works better and I will pass on the link to others.


      I think that Firefox overall is very slow because of their security conflicts. I don't use firefox for that reason. Hope this version is better (-;

      The 3AM Teacher

  4. Thank you for the info and freebie!! Here is my link so I can become an official pinner!

    1. Hi Stephanie!!

      I just added you to the Pinterest board and you are all set to Pin (-;

      Your Pinterest Pic is soooooo Cute!! I miss the beach!!


  5. I puffy heart my new background! Thank you for making my day with your freebie! Please go and check it out!


    1. I didn't reply here yesterday because I went straight over to your blog!! Looks great!! Thank you for joining the Pinterest board and sharing your bloggy make-over!!

      I gave you a big ol' shout out on Facebook last night - so hopefully, you get some more traffic your way!!


  6. H.o.l.y C.o.w! You have NO idea how you just saved these Mommies sanity with your rant (lol-love it!) and removal tips for all those ridiculous ads! Thank you so much! We used the Firefox add-on and so far, so good. No slow system or anything, but totally hear what you're saying about slow overall-especially when blog hopping.

    Your backgrounds and blog are super cute!

    Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  7. I'm a little late to the game, but here is my Pinterest link:

    I love, love, love your graphics!

    First with Franklin


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