23 August, 2012

What I have been up to & SOME FREEBIES

I think my left eye is beginning to boycott!! hehehe Look at those dark circles...!!
My goal for this upcoming week:
Get some rest & GO TO BED by midnight. I think it is a reasonable goal, but my brain often takes the lead and everything else is forced to follow suite. I hope my brain is processing the dark circles in this picture...LOL!
Look what I got in the mail this week!!!!
Thank you Hadar!!!
You can order a sign from Hadar at her cute Etsy store: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ILoveTeaching
I was so excited that I hung them up right behind my desk on the wall (next to my glass dry-erase board)! I am really good at knowing how to pose for pictures (hahaha) and I think the picture on the right adequately  represents 3AM.....LOL!! I wanted to take a picture of myself  with the cute sign Hadar made, and in doing so, I suddenly realized that I am beginning to LOOK like The 3AM Teacher!!! Holy cow! I look so old and the dark circles under my eyes are definitely proof that I need to sleep a bit more - I could also use a tan...LOL...
Whenever I have a difficult choice to make, I create a pros and cons list.
 Here is my Pros and Cons List of a very tough decision that I have to make before it's too late...
Aging                                                  Not Aging
Forgetful                                                    Hmm? Can't really think of anything yet
Getting called, Ma'm
Age spots 
"EVERY new spot must be cancer" thinking
Well, I know this is not a thorough list; however, based on the information I have come up with, I believe that I can make a sound decision. I have chosen not to age! I really think it will be the best decision for my life. I just need to add enough supporting details so that I can present my case to God. I think I have a VERY good argument.....I will let you all know what He says...
Well, I did not get these dark circles sun tanning and hanging out at the fitness center.... Here is what I have been working on...

I created a set of Multicultural hands after receiving a request from Deanna Jump & these are selling like Hot Cakes. I also need to thank her for purchasing my new Trace Me A-Z letter set and then blogging about her purchase!! She is so sweet!!  Plus also (in my best Junie B. voice), I am now determined to have black desks when (if) I go back to the classroom! Her hubby painted the black desks in the pictures she posted to show off her cute classroom & they look Fabulous!! Well, not sure if you read my blog Deanna, but in case you do, THANK YOU and I am sending you a GIANT Cyber-Hug!! Hehehehe!! 

I can't even begin to tell all of you how many great people I have met and connected with through blogging!! I have such a huge family of friends now and I feel very blessed! I have learned so much from all of you & this bloggy business has had it perks....While on this topic,

I have a VERY FUNNY story to tell you!!

Actually, maybe not so funny - just a bit exciting and unexpected!! I was dropping off my son last week and I always park next to the park by the school and while I was parked a woman came up to me (she had parked behind me) and excitedly said,

 "Oh MY GOSH! Are you The 3AM Teacher that does clip art? I follow and LOVE your blog!!"

I was totally embarrassed, yet excited because I felt like I had my 10 seconds of fame...hehehehe!! I was just glad I had showered that day..LOL. I think she saw my license plate on my car - How funny!!


Here are some of my new sets that I have been working on (-;

I also finished the first part of my Ancient Greece series!!!! I have about 10 more characters and several accents to complete for the 2nd part to the set. I really like how they turned out, but I did need to price this set higher. I have them marked down right now from $12.50 to $8.60. I was going to have them marked down for 24 hours, but I have kept the discount up for a little while longer.

$12.50 is such a high amount to swallow, but there is so much detail in these images & they took me so long, that I just can't force myself to put a lower price on these. I know that there are many people who pay thousands for custom designs and graphics, but I do want to have sales...LOL! What do you think about the price? I would love to get your feedback. Keep in mind that each character took me anywhere from 6-18 hours to complete. At $12.50, each graphic image is .50 cents. I really would like some feedback. I actually decided to break up the characters and sell them in single sets for those that may just need one or two characters. I only have Pandora up as a single set right now, but here are some screenshots of the graphics that are included in the complete set.

I am really excited to start seeing these used & to see what everyone comes up with!!

Here are a couple more sets that I have recently added:

I have more styles for the Palettes finished, but I have not made them available yet (-; Please feel free to Pin these as many times as you would like (-;

Well, now you can see why I have dark circles under my eyes...hehehe!! This is all I will share with you for now. I know I had so many things that I wanted to share with you, but my mind is pulling up blanks!! I am going to have a guest post on the 30th of this month by an author of a REALLY great book, but I am going to post about that tomorrow. I will need 3-5 questions to ask her for the guest post, so please come back and visit tomorrow to find out who the guest blogger is.

I will not make this post longer than it has to be! To show my appreciation to everyone for all of your support & loveliness, here are some FREEBIES...ENJOY!!

FREEBIES from The 3AM Teacher!!

Be CReAtiVe!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com Pin It


  1. Oh, wow! Your frames are beautiful! Thanks so much.

    1. You're welcome!! Thank you for stopping by (-;


  2. Thanks so much I can't wait to use them!!

    The Busy Busy Hive

  3. Replies
    1. I had no idea that she made them until she posted a picture of her signs on Facebook! I ordered one that day & I LOVE IT!! It is so cute! She is very talented & such a sweet person!!

      You should definitely get one from her (-;


  4. Yay!!! Glad you like it!! Everyone was asking me who the 3am teacher was when I was making it!

    1. I love it!! My husband came into the office after I hung it up and noticed it right away. He thought is looked really cute (-;

      You are a rock star!!

      So, those who were asking...what did you tell them...?? hahaha


  5. Replies
    1. Ahhh! Thank you so much Tammy! How are you doing with your art?? I am so serious about helping anytime (-; It is definitely nice to have some artsy-fartsy friends (-;


  6. Wow you have been one busy lady!! I love the frames!! Thank you so much!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Yes I have! hehehe! I am so glad you like the frames and hope you can get a lot of use from them (-; Once I am done with the rest of the Greeks graphics, I will be able to relax a bit...


  7. Yay! So glad the hands are selling. Thank you for making them! I LOVE all of your stuff!!

    1. Thank you soooo much! Your influence is amazing and you have such a caring and giving heart!! Thank you for inspiring me (-;

      After your post went up, my sales went up on TPT and I couldn't figure out what was going on, but I wasn't going to complain..I saw that you had a new post and the increase started to make more sense to me..hehehe...

      Thank you Deanna!!


  8. I like your decision to just never get old. I think I will try it too!! lol

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  9. Wow, you have been working hard! I downloaded your freebies today! Thank you! :)


Love Notes...