30 August, 2012

Frosty Takes on the Globe & Frosty's Freebies

Hi Everyone! My name is Frosty and I am so lucky to be a guest blogger for the lovely, marvelous, talented, giving, and hilarious 3AM Teacher!!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself...
Before there was a 3AM Teacher, there was Mrs. T the Kinder Teacher. She was a great teacher and those kids loved her dearly. Mrs. T. was always excited to watch the kids learn to love reading and writing - just like she does. 
(this is where I come in)
While setting up her room in 2007, she noticed me deep in the corner of her supply closet. Most people just left me, but Mrs. T...sorry, The 3AM Teacher saw great potential in me & when her creative ideas start flowing, there is no stopping her! I had no idea why she picked me up, but I was so glad to get out of that closet. She asked around and NO ONE wanted the responsibility of taking care of an old dog like myself. No one....except The 3AM Teacher!!

She took me home, washed me, sewed up a slight tear in my arm (an old football injury from my younger days), smiled with a hazel-eyed twinkle, and gave me a slight hug. Oh that Mrs. T., (3AM Teacher) she is quite the sucker for strays. 

Once she had me cleaned up, she bought me a composition book (she calls it a journal) and told me that she was going to let me travel to all of her students' homes for the weekends. I couldn't have been happier! 

As soon as the school year started, she let the students come up with names & them vote for the overall favorite. That is how I got the name Frosty. It could have been worse...I think the name Smoochie was in the running!

From 2007 to 2009, I got a chance to spend the weekend with every one of her students and I had so much fun! Every weekend the students got to write "real" sentences about our weekend - many even added pictures so that I could remember what we had done together! Those were the happiest few years of my life!

Take a look for yourself...
These aren't the best snapshots of my journal, but this old god is still learning new tricks!
On the front cover of my "journal" were directions for the students. My favorite part is close to the end...
"Do not lose me, forget me, feed me to a pet, leave me alone in the dark, feed me real people food, get sick on me, drop me, or throw me"

That Mrs. T...urr 3AM Teacher, really loved me! Please continue looking...
I even got money from a student one weekend. I got a special dollar for Chinese New Year!!

Oops, that's not supposed to be here....The 3AM Teacher just really likes shoes...I just played along...it was the least I could do after she saved my life!

Moving on...
 Those were just a few sample pages - what do you think? I look much younger in these photos- don't I?

Recently Mrs.....The 3AM Teacher noticed me sitting on the bookshelf in her office and feeling a little down. I must be REALLY special because every time she looks at me, she gets ideas!!
Since she is now a part of the blogging world of teachers, she asked me if I would be willing to travel the world!!! Can you believe that!? Of course, I said yes. I will spend a couple of weeks in each of the classrooms that signs up. I will get to see what other classrooms are like and how fun and exciting other teachers are (no offense Mrs. T.).

During that time, students and teachers can write in my journal, add pictures and/or buy me some clothes (The 3AM Teacher has me looking like a beat-up classic). Once I have spent enough time on one classroom, I will be placed in my special carrier and shipped to the next classroom on the list! I can't wait - I wonder who I will visit first??

The 3AM Teacher is printing out my passport and getting me ready for my travels. I can't wait to meet you!
The 3AM Teacher took this picture for all of you to show your students once we have the completed list of classrooms I will be visiting!

If you would like to participate in this linky, starring ME - FROSTY, then please use the link below to complete the form! ALL entries must be turned in before September 15th, 2012...plus, you will get to use the cute button she created. Just click on my picture to sign up...
Okay! Enough about me...
I know how you really love The 3AM Teacher's freebies (which I think she is just spoiling you, but it's not my blog)? I have a a few 
for you as to not break the tradition here. I do not want you to stop loving her on account of me.

Please read through her Terms of Use for her Frosty-Themed graphics. 
I think I heard her say that she will make these available for free on TPT too...you know, for those snooty MAC computer users who are always complaining..."I can't right click the images...what do I do?" 
Oh, I must apologize speedy quick...she just gave me the look when I read that remark out loud...(I was right, you are all spoiled).
Enjoy the Freebies from the Amazingly Creative, 3AM Teacher!!

It was very nice to meet all of you! I hope to visit you soon!! Isn't The 3AM Teacher sweet?? She even made me a signature image for my special guest post today...WHAT A GAL!!
I hope you enjoyed meeting my friend Frosty! I would love to get as many teacher's signed up as I can (even if you home-school) - so feel free to pin this all over the place (-;
You are the best cyber family a girl could have!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com  Pin It


  1. I love this idea and can't wait to participate with everyone!


  2. Love Frosty! He's so cute! What a great idea! I can't wait to read about all of his adventures!

    And for all those snooty Mac users out there, all you have to do is control + click on the image to save it. =)

    Pixy Stix and Teacher Tricks

    1. Thank you!! You are a life-saver, I added this techy solution to my digital notebook....


  3. Why or why can't I be teaching those younger "cute" grades this year that would love this idea?! Michelle, this is truly great! Thank you for "saving" Frosty and still finding ways to keep the ol' dog into new tricks! (I'm sharing with a bunch of my SD teaching friends! I want to see Frosty!!)

    1. I know we already chatted, but I wanted to make sure other upper grade teachers know that this is for ALL grade levels.

      For upper grades, teachers can have their students act as "wise" mentors.

      Upper grade teachers can incorporate:

      1. What middle school is like
      2. Offer advice to younger students
      3. Write about something they learned about another state or country that they didn't know before
      4. Writing prompt: A day in the life of... (middle school or high school)
      5. Prepare a few questions for the next class to answer and leave your return school address.

      There are many ways to incorporate this to meet all grade levels. Yes, he is a stuffed animal, but what a great object to use to allow students and teachers to connect with each other from around the globe!! It is like "student-hood of the traveling dog" hehehe

      Every grade level is encouraged to sign up!!
      Thank you

  4. Signed up and excited! I am one of those snooty Mac users :) I just click using two fingers and it is just like a right click. Thank you for the freebies.

    Thinking Out Loud

    1. Hahaha.....I am just jealous because I don't know how to use a MAC...LOL!! I am so excited already!!

      Thank you for signing up!

  5. I just signed up! How cute is he!!! =) Great idea!


  6. I would like to do this but I do not have a blog :-(

    1. You do not need to have a blog at all!! Just sign up! When it is your turn, you can email me a brief post about your time with Frosty with some pics and I will put it up on my blog.


  7. Michelle, I love this frame....just so cutsie! I signed up so you can have someone from Michigan. Maybe you'd like to send Frosty here in January, when it really willbe "frosty!"

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks!!! I am so excited to send him out (-;


  9. Wow Michelle I love this idea! I just signed up. I can't wait to see how it goes. My kiddos are going to love it! Thanks for doing this!


    1. Thank you!! I can't wait to map out all the classrooms and send him on his way!!


  10. I love this idea and can't wait! I have signed up!!
    Thank you for the freebies too!
    Reading Toward the Stars!

    1. Thank you Andrea!!! I think this will be REALLY fun!!


  11. Amazing idea! The kiddos will love it! And thanks for the cute frames and globes!

    Learning is for Superstars

    1. Awe Thanks!! I can't wait to start seeing the posts!!

      I am glad you liked the frames!!


  12. This is so awesome! What a great idea! I signed up and I know that this class will love it this year! :)

    1. Thank you so much for signing up!!! I really appreciate all the support for this linky and I am so excited to get everything ready to send out (-;


  13. Hi Michelle! I'm all signed up and anxiously waiting for Frosty! What a cute idea!

    I love your frames too, as always!

    1. Woo Hoo!!! I am so excited to get to see everyone connect in one place using a stuffed animal...hahaha...AMAZING Teachery Ideas...


  14. Check out my latest blog post :) I have included your graphics as one of my "Favorite Freebies"... thank you for all you do!!


    1. Awe! You are so sweet! Heading over there right now (-;


  15. Hi Michelle,
    I just signed up. I left you a message in the blog link section. Let me know if it's ok ;)

    All Students Can SHINE

    1. Hi Valerie!! My internet was down for most of the day, so I will take a look at it right now (-; Thank you for signing up!!


  16. Such a fun idea!!! I just signed up :)

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

    1. Thank you so much for signing up - I can't wait!!


  17. I love this idea!! So fun for teachers and students!! :)
    Kindergarten Stars

    1. Thank you so much for signing up - I am really excited about this project!! I think Frosty may end up in circulation for over a year...hahaha


  18. A-maz-ing Idea. I signed up and even added in my story of teaching American & International students in Belgium at a DOD school.

  19. I just signed up. I am so excited. I am a first year teacher and I actually have a class mascot who goes home with the students name Max the Frog.Thank you so much!!

  20. I signed up a couple of weeks ago, but haven't heard back. I'm hoping I'm on the list! :-)

    2nd Grade Pad

  21. This is a great idea! I do something similar with a Geobear. I wish I had seen your post sooner, but hopefully your bear gets to see someone's class in Northern CA!

    Heather at TeachItToday!

  22. I would like to say thanks a lot for discussing this useful information, I like this information so much Keep it up.spartacus


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