04 May, 2012

What's up, May Currently & A FREEBIE MINI SET!!

You may grab the Penguin for FREE!!

Tomorrow is a new day and I have a lot to be thankful for! First...I am totally loving my new-ish car that sounds like a jet engine! Now I have a reason to screen phone calls...WHAT? I can't hear you...I will have to call you back!! LOL! Seriously though...it is sooooo loud...VROOM VROOM to the V8 engine that could! 

Do any of you name your cars? I always do - I know...I am weird like that!! In the midst of the sadness over the disappearance of my cat, I wasn't very creative with the name of the car...Rover...as in ...Land Rover! Yep! I named my Rover, Rover...hehehehe

I have started putting together and getting ready for my first Techy Tuesday, which is NEXT TUESDAY! By the way - not many of you linked up for this one so maybe all of you are experts when it comes to beautifying your blogs with techy-tips....hum...hum!! I know ...there was so much going on that I wouldn't have linked up to my own..that is...if I hadn't posted it!! Thank you to those of you that did link up! I got a few good technology topics to work from!

Okay...a bit off-topic...
ATTENTION: Custom Art Notice

I will be completing the list of custom art and buttons that I have been backed up on & I will not accept any custom art requests for the month of May. I need to complete some themes I was working on and get caught up on my current list. If you are already on my list...don't worry - I will be sending you an email with some graphics very soon (-;

Here are some things I have been working on...

& here are a few buttons that I have done fairly recently...

Obviously I have done far more than this, but I thought I would just share a little bit since I have not had very much time for freebies or posting a new set lately )-;

Here is a Freebie Mini set for you!

I have not been able to upload these onto TPT because they are having technical difficulties - so just come back and keep checking. I will keep trying (-; Once I get these uploaded I will post the link.

grab the Free Owl Mini Set HERE

Now to Link up with Farley's May Currently...

Last..but definitely not least - I have a couple of FREE frames for you. Just right click and save the graphic. Please make sure to read my TOU before using any of my graphics for personal or commercial use.
One is soft & one is bold (-; Enjoy!!

Thank You for following my blog!!

  Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com Pin It


  1. Thanks for the freebies...I love your borders! :)

    Congrats on the (new) car! We got a new one 2 years ago and I still LOVE my baby!! :)


    1. Thank you!! I have been going crazy without one lately (-;


  2. Thanks for all you do. Good things come to those who wait. May is a busy month for teachers. Everyone is trying to close up their classrooms. Take your time. Thank you for letting us know.

  3. Ok....penguin set is so super cute...it kinda reminds me of the pudgies set I bought and absolutely LOVE!!!!! Owls are a.dor.a.ble!!! Didn't see your techy post.....is it too late to sign up????? I have been swamped, swamped, swamped with life lately and am sooooooooo behind on my blog stalking!!! You're amazing!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  4. I love love the penguin!!! He is darling :o) Thanks for all the things you share with us!!!

    ❃ Ann Marie
    ABCs and 123s 4 me

    1. Thank you!! The Free owls are up now!! You can grab then here


  5. I totally name my cars! :)

    Love those super cute owls! Thanks for all you do - and for making me laugh this morning with the "or sitting outside and watching others jog" comment.

    Have a great day!

    Oh My Little Classity Class

    1. Thank you! I am glad I am not the only crazy person who names their car...hehehe.

      Here is the link for the free owls

  6. Thanks so much for these super cute freebies Michelle!
    We name our cars, too! So did my Dad! He drove "Ole Bessie" for years!

  7. Oh thank goodness I am not alone in naming my car. Mine is Gweny (number plate is GWY). 18 year old me thought it was genius.

    Thank you so much for sharing all these freebies. You are so talented. Wow.

    / Daydreams of a Student Teacher

  8. Thanks for the freebies..love it!


  9. Haha, I named my old car La Bamba because it shook as I was driving but I never thought of a name for my new car. Hmm...maybe I should! Love the frames- thanks for sharing! : )

    Tales of An Elementary Teacher

    1. LA BAMBA!!! I love it!!! I loved that movie when I was younger...and yeas, you should name your new car...hehehe

      Maybe I should have a Linky...

      Thanks for stopping by!!


  10. You are not weird! I have named all of my cars

    My first car was named Bertha

    My second car was named Percious

    My car that I have now called Layla Bee

  11. Love the owls! Please tell me more {or direct me to the post} about Techy Tuesday. I am just getting started and I need help!!

    1. Here is the post...I can always use some more ideas!!


  12. Thank you for the free treats! I am your newest follower!


  13. Hi my friend!!!

    I feel like i haven't seen you in forever!!! lol...LOVE the owls - and LVOE the red/black frame - that's my theme for next year - or so I'm thinking :)
    Thanks girl! :)

  14. I don't name my cars.. but my sister names EVERYTHING! Her car is Harry... the lemon tree that she is growing from seed is called Chris!!

    Thanks for sharing, I love your blog and posts.

    Sowing Seeds of Learning

  15. I love your designs! Thank you so much!

  16. Thanks for all your freebies! So cute!

    My grandma named her cars Miss Poodyhunny. All of them. Miss Poodyhunny the 4th became part of our family a few years back, and it cracks me up all the time.

    Have a great weekend!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  17. The owls are just the cutest!! Thank you SO MUCH!! I am so happy to have found you :) PS: we also have a new car...isn't it just the best, lol!! Happy weekend to you.
    Good Morning Mrs Rubie

  18. Hey look! I found the rest of my penguins. You forgot to send them to me. =) Thank you for all that you do for me and Honey Bunch Blog Designs. We love you! But no new orders for May... whatever shall I do!!??

    Love the free frames! Wish I could use owls but they are on the no-no list here. I will stick with my penguins. =)

    Car names - LOVE ROVER! Our last car came with a name tag "Jessie" (was on the dash mat). My little one asked if we could get another car with a name tag and I declined as we had so much trouble. New car has no name yet. Got any ideas?

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  19. Love love love the owls!!! I'm new to your blog... glad I found it through the linky party :)


  20. I LOVE the owls! Congrats on the new car. I name my cars too! hehe. Have a great week!


Love Notes...