19 May, 2012

School's Out Summer Giveaway & A Few FREE FRAMES

May 19th- Monday, May 21st

One Lucky Winner will Receive...




a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I've actually volunteered my services on Craigslist to help tutor children that are especially at-risk for the summer slide... I'm hoping that at least one family takes me up on that offer!

  2. My students are sent home with a list of words that they will need to know for 1st grade. They also get a book to keep them reading over the summer.

  3. I always put together a take home bag for my kiddos at the end of the year. I fill it with sight word rings, math flashcards, worksheets, and a couple of new books. Whatever I can do to get more learning in over the summer!
    ☺ Tanya
    First Grade is Fantabulous!

  4. I usually send a list of books to read and websites for them to use and writing topics for a journal. Our break is only a 3 week break so our kids really do not have much of a summer break (year round school).
    My Second Sense

  5. Thanks for the frames! Love them!

    I've created reading, writing, and math task cards for my kiddos to practice skills with over the summer. I also send home a book and gift bag with goodies in it.

    I've been asked to tutor one of my kiddos over the summer so I plan on using these task cards and other materials to help him stay on track.


  6. I challenge my middle school students to read everyday of the summer! I'm always available for tutoring and often teach summer school {however, not this year}.

    "Making It As A Middle School Teacher

  7. I love following your blog. One thing I do to keep my students learning is to ave a post card contest. I give my address and encourage my students to write to me during the summer. I give prizes for the coolest, most, farthest and first postcards. It is good the the kiddos and makes checking the mail fun for me.


  8. I help to tutor students over the summer as well as send home a packet of information for them that they can work together with their parents, grandparents, guardians. This packet includes things like books to read, worksheets to do, craftivities to complete etc. I have tried as best as I can to tender the packs to the needs of the student and also to their likes and interests, which in turns helps to motivate them even more to continue learning over the summer.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  9. I bought spiral notebooks at the dollar store for my students. During the last week of school, the kids got to decorate the notebooks. We glued in a list of writing ideas inside the front cover. The kids took the notebooks home and could write in them all summer (kind of like writer's workshop for summer!).

    Tricia, I love your post card idea!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  10. I just graduated today and have a job in Phoenix next year so I'll be thinking of lesson ideas and activities to help my new kiddos!

  11. We are lucky in Australia that the kids only get 6 weeks off in summer (over Christmas), so there is a lot less worry about kids loosing ground.
    I do send home a fun booklet with lots of puzzles and journal pages to keep them practicing their skills.

  12. I am sending home a summer work packet to help keep kids active learning. I've tried to include as many activities as possible so the kids don't spend the summer dreading work. I try to disguise it as fun.

  13. I love your blog and your graphic designs! I give each of my students a brand new book as an end of the year gift. I also send home a book mark with reading strategies. For my 5 and 6 year old sons , I have created sight word and writing packets and games. They also participate in the summer reading program at our local library.

  14. I send home leveled books for my children to read during the summer, as well as a packet of review materials, especially focusing on math.


  15. I always send home a fun packet of second grade skills for them to practice... games included! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  16. I'm working with my own kiddos for a change. My son will be in kindergarden and we are still working on spelling his whole name and site word recognition. My daughter is bored all year with all the kill and drill, so I have some extension projects planned for her to keep up with her creativity.

  17. My summer plans revolve around my own children, 8 and 10. With my 8 year old son, I will be reading books together and helping him continue to practice the cursive writing he learned this year. With my 10 year old daughter, who is going into middle school, I will be teaching her how to type and how to write in cursive (she skipped in school so she missed the cursive year). She will also be doing some advance math preparation with her dad (a middle school math teacher). Isn't that convenient?!

    For teaching typing, I have purchase "Keyboard Classroom". I think the keyboard finger guides are really going to help her learn quickly.
    First Class Teacher

  18. My little one is getting ready for Kinder, so we are doing fun activities all summer long to practice counting, letters, writing her name, and playing educational games online and outside.


    dragonspointe at aol dot com

  19. Well, my school has a summer program so we will be in class July and August learning!!

  20. I sent my kiddos home with a summer writing packet. I included some letter templates and my address so they could send me some letters over the summer :)


  21. Love the frames, thank you!! I always buy my students a 2nd grade summer workbook from Scholastic. They're fun and helpful. Our school also has 2 different summer programs and a ton of our kiddos attend!

    The Learning Tree

  22. Our school website has lots of suggestions and websites that students can visit to practice skills over the summer. We also send home a summer book for them to read.

  23. I'm sending home a daily calendar full of activities that can be completed independently or with a family member. Activities range from math games we played throughout the year to writing a letter to a friend to counting money.

  24. I am teaching 2 enrichments courses this summer to help bridge the gap!

    An Education Lasts a Lifetime

  25. I am tutoring this summer and my goal is to make learning fun by connecting their prior and current experiences to the information being taught.

  26. I'm teaching summer school! :)

  27. I send home a calendar with summer activities for parents to do with students.
    Heather B.
    Krazy about Kindy

  28. I am a teacher in Harrison County (West Virginia). Our Board of Education distrubutes a list of tutors in the county and my name is on the list. I am one of the most popular "tutors" so I am called all the time. I have a big heart, so I do not charge for my services. I am just glad to do it. I am single and do not have kids of my own so I like to help in any way possible to educate/tutor all students at all levels. I make my tutoring lessons fun and interesting. If anyone is interested in any of my ideas, please let me know. I dedicate my summers to these students who are interested and need the extra help...I have a great reputation with the students in my county so the kids are more than excited to know that I will be helping them throughout the summer. I know that I am greatly appreciated by the single and working mothers. The parents and I decide the best place for me to help their child and together we set up a destination. I will travel to help any and all students. I really love my job and I am willing to help anyone in any way possible when it comes to education. I have plenty of time during the summer so I dedicate it to the students who are willing to work with me. I wish there were summer school positions available in our county, but unfortunately there are not. I provide all materials and prepare things in advance for the needs of the students.

    1. Also, if any teacher has a great idea that works for them during the times that they tutor or teach summer school, I would love to hear about them....I am always willing to try new things and after reading some of your blogs, well, I am just fascinated with the creativity. Please offer any suggestions...any grade level too...my email address is ddefazio@access.k12.wv.us. Thank you in advance to any teacher who posts an idea. It is greatly appreciated. Keep up the awesome work teachers!! :D

  29. I have been a fan on Facebook!

  30. Before the children leave for the summer I give the whole school suggested and required reading list. I encourage them to go to the library for all the great summer programs. hcarpenter@ebrschools.org

  31. I liked your TPT store and I am already a fan of your blog! great giveaway!

  32. I can't wait to give my kiddos their summer review packet! It has various skills that we have practiced throughout the year! I hope they do it!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  33. I send home a review packet at the end of the year. I also give eacg student a book as thier end of the year gift. This year our school purchased a gradelevl packet of books for each student to read over the summer, and I am "homeschooling" my own two children during the summer.


  34. Make sure your kids have a library card before school gets out.

  35. I teach summer school to my at risk readers. Also, I mail each of my Title 1 Reading students a new book to read during the summer. I mail them 3 books over the summer to read and keep. I also include a self addressed stamped envelope for them to mail me back a paper that they drew and wrote about their favorite part of the book.
    Conversations in Literacy

  36. I have issued a reading challenge to my kiddos to read at least on story a day from RAZ Kids.

  37. I am going to send home a summer list of things to do that parents and the kids can do if they wish! However, if they do it, they can bring me the list signed and dated to school when we start back. They will get a prize if they do!


  38. I am providing a 4-5 week summer program for 7 kindergarten kiddos. I am training their parents on May 31st and meeting with them once a week for celebrations.

  39. I'm looping up with my kids this year, so tis is especially important to me! I'm going to have a parent meeting to introduce parents to some things they can do with their kids online and in books, and put together a reading incentive program.
    Buzzing with Ms. B

  40. I am tutoring Japanese students that have only been in Texas for 6 months. They are eager to learn, It is great to be working with kids again. I have been a trainer for 10 years where I help the teachers. It is great to see the spark in Yoshi's eyes as he is able to read a book on his level.
    FInding games and activities for him to do when he is not in school is very important.

  41. I plan to send home differentiated work for my students to complete over the summer. Also, in the past, our district has sent home a pack of books for the students to have. I also have somet students who will be attending school this summer.

    Living A Wonderful Life

  42. I plan to attend workshops to acquire new skills, take my neices and nephew to the summer reading programs and volunteer at my local library.

  43. I plan on sending home a A Summer Bucket List Packet created by Krista Mehrtens. My hope is that they will continue to think critically and read nightly.

  44. I send home their sight word lists as well as their sight word flash card rings with extra cards so that they can create more flashcards through out the summer. I also send a book home to keep them reading! Our school also has a parent meeting where we give ideas for summer activities as well as pass out brochures for all of the summer programs offered by the library, and museums etc.

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  45. Hi! Thanks for sharing! I love these frames and all of the things you create and share! I hope you'll check out my brand new blog and follow me!


  46. Great post about summer learning - our school set up a summer reading program for all of our students. We asked businesses to donate money and we bought each student books to read over the summer. Our title teachers worked feverishly to make sure the books coincided with their DRA levels so we knew the text would be appropriate for the kiddos.

    For the giveaway - I follow your blog here and on Facebook. I'll be linking up this morning at Mr. B's Beach Brains

    Have a great day!

  47. Oh! and I just noticed I'm a day late (more like a few hours) and a dollar short on the giveaway, so disregard my giveaway comment. lol I need my coffee to kick in quickly! Have a great day!



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