23 May, 2012

Power Outage Techy Tuesday & A Winner!!!!!! & a Free Palm top graphic

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Well, yesterday started out like any other day....except just one thing...


At about 9am I was watering my lovely plants in the front yard when a neighbor rushed out of his front door, looking a bit flustered. He noticed me and asked if my power was out and I said I wasn't sure. I went inside to test the lights and sure enough...no power!! It wouldn't have been so bad except when I called APS, the outage was reported to last about 6 hours or more. Now...we live in Verrado in Buckeye, Arizona and when our power is out and our internet wifi is out, we don't get other wifi services because the signal is very bad where we are. So....no ipad internet...no phone internet...& chaos at the schools as well. Both of my kids were released early from school due to there being no power on a day reaching over 100 degrees outside and even hotter inside. Those poor teachers!!!!

My son said that he had a sub who told the class that it was his first time subbing and he would never sub in their school again...hahaha...hopefully he was joking because the kids and staff at the schools in Verrado are the BEST!! I was not able to get online yesterday and I had to forbade the kids from opening the refrigerator. So we planned a Micky-D's ice-cream trip and some fun in the pool. Even our local grocery store had no power. I still have no idea what caused the outage and I can't seem to understand why my daughter's high school (with solar power and back-up generators) could not get power....strange... My son was watching the news this morning and came running into the bathroom while I was getting ready and proceeded to tell me that the outage was due to a hacker and a murder...I think he may have had some stories mixed up...LOL...he probably heard the teaser story for the outage followed by a hacker and murder story...hehehe I don't know...maybe he is right.

Well, there was no damage done and we had our electricity turned back on in the evening just in time to get the A/C cooling again...PHEW!

Now onto the exciting stuff!!

Natalie @ Teachery Tidbits is the official WINNER of the summer giveaway!!
Congratulations Natalie!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com Pin It


  1. Yay Natalie!

    Glad you made do with the power outage. We usually get them with winter storms or if someone runs into the power box/pole. One time we heard the transformer pop and blow up down the street. Sad to say a squirrel had gotten into the box and chewed up some stuff. Goodbye Mr. Squirrel.

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. I'm your newest follower!! I have been hearing so much about your clip-art!! Now I know why:)

    1...2...3...Teach With Me


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