02 April, 2012


Well, my trip to Europe was quite a challenge...hahahaha I hung out with some friends, got to go to a small wedding, and things were great...that is, until I got mugged (hahaha). 

I was fortunate enough to still have my gmail to contact all of you and I got to work a bit to earn the extra cash to get back home...PHEW...I am glad that trip is over!!

NO - I did not get stranded in Europe, but I did get my gmail hacked into!! I couldn't login to check emails, blog, comment on blogs, or participate and post stuff.....that was terrible!  

This will be the first you ever hear these words out of my...well, computer...
I hope no one sent "me" money....That would be even more tragic! I was afraid to log in to anything before I scanned my computer for any internal hacking...none there..thank goodness! Although, I just went on my FB page and I had a couple of friends get their gmail accounts hacked into as well!! I would advise everyone to change your passwords...and make sure you do not use the same password for other personal accounts...THAT COULD BE DEVASTATING! 

Well, all that matters is that I AM BACK!! WOO HOO!! And still in one piece. I just was able to go through several emails and reply; however, many of my emails were deleted to clear out the funk...LOL!

On other topics....some very VERY bad news...I have a giant zit above my lip! This is very bad and I am so bothered by this thing that seems to have a mind of it's own. I never had zits growing up, so maybe this means that I am getting younger...hehehe. I didn't realize how painful zits are. 

Well, I may have to double...or even triple post tonight to get caught up!!

No freebies yet, but enjoy my pics!!

Thank you for following!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com Pin It


  1. Welcome back! When I got my email my first try was to comment on your blog. No go. I almost posted a question in your TpT store but then I figured you wouldn't get the notification because you didn't have email. I've had that happen to me once. It's the worst!

    Tales From Outside the Classroom

    1. Luckily, I have a separated email associated with TPT. I am working on going through and changing all of my passwords for everything just in case.


  2. Welcome back from your exciting tip.

    I did the same thing as Tessa. I didn't respond to the e-mail, hopped over here and saw you had no blog and then thought TpT...but then no same e-mail and then I had to go to work. I should have remembered about FB! Lol :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  3. Glad you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When I saw the email I was confused and had a say what moment!

    My first thought was wait I wouldn't give $1600 to anybody!

    I am glad you got it worked out.

    Ms. Patterson

    Pocket Full of Kinders

  4. Wow!
    I noticed that there was misplaced "i" in the email at the bottom- that is where I became skeptic.
    I tried to look at your blog to make sure and it said it didn't exist!

    I was so worried!
    That picture with the Queen is priceless! ha ha
    Did you see Kate or Picachoo....{whatever her sister's name is?}

    Glad you are safe!

    Going Nutty!


  5. Phew! I'm glad it wasn't something like jealous bloggers abducted you and forced you to take down your blog and hand over all of your followers. =)

    I used to put toothpaste on my zits...if that's a helpful tip.

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

  6. Haha! Way to make light of out something so annoying and frustrating. The pics cracked me up!

    The Littlest Scholars

  7. I've always wanted to go to a royal wedding! Lucky you! (Ha ha) Welcome back!

    First Class Teacher

  8. So glad you are back safe and sound. I got "your" email today too and was about to send you a message when I saw through FB that you already knew. If hackers would only use their insane abilities for good instead of evil....

  9. You have a much more exciting life than me ;)
    And I'm going to admit this...I realize I'm publicly sharing how self-centered/obsessed I am, but for a brief moment I thought to myself "oh no, no more clipart from 3am Teacher! What am I going to do??"
    Then I got over myself. Sorry for all you had to deal with. And I'm very, very sorry about your zit :(

  10. Nice to see you back in action! As for the zit, as someone who never had zits until my 30's, I have been fighting them nonstop! Nothing ever seems to work for an extend period of time for me...except my newest try! I take baking soda, mix a small amount of water so it is pastey...put it on my face for 5 minutes. I do this in the am and pm, and viola...not more zit! It also reduces the redness...so give it a whirl! Since you only have the one, I'd just put it on the one spot! =)

    Ms.Smarty Pants

  11. I'm so glad you are back safe and sound. I figured that was definitely a scam when I opened it up. Thank goodness you were able to find work in London and get the money to come back home. :)

    Second Grade Sugar and Spice

  12. I'm glad you are back safe and sound. This is my second time to know someone who have that scam happen to them. These people are always stranded in Europe. Can't scam artist come up with a new location? GEZ! Be original!!!!


  13. I got the fake email from you. Same one that was sent from my cousin's email when he was hacked. What a total pain!!

    Grade ONEderful

  14. LOL your post made me laugh. That scam has been around forever


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