17 April, 2012

Free Frames, Free News & My new Graphic Set!!

I am going to be HAPPY all the time...hahaha...and even if I'm not...I'll fake it...you can too if you want - I don't judge (okay maybe sometimes...like the Walmart pics..I like to think of it as psychoanalysis). P.S. I am NOT a fan of Frued & I never thought my "defining moment" of development and self-worth might be due to my realization of NOT having a penis (am I allowed to say penis???Well, there might be an exception since I AM writing and not technically saying it). I ALSO do not think that a man would have anxiety if he found out that I didn't have one...I think there would be anxiety if they found out that I did!..Oh my.....this is not the direction I was going for at all! Here is a FREEBIE to change the topic...hehehe


Now......Roll up your blogger sleeves & Get READY for this weekend!!! I am teaming up with several awesome bloggers (it's a secret for now) who are having great giveaways and I will be having one myself...starting Saturday - & this one is smokin!!

I thought about signing up myself, but I think that might be unethical...hahaha!! For my giveaway, I'll be teaming up with Clay who is the creator of K-12 Education (and more) Fundraisers!! His link is actually at the bottom of my right sidebar!! He totally impressed me and will be offering some mega awesomeness, which makes my freebie look a little limp....(I know...bad choice of word...hehehe)...I can't wait!!

Okay, so I know I keep on saying this, but I have been so incredibly busy lately.....that I have not kept up with your blogs & news & giveaways & and funny satire...)-: I know, I need a time-out...LOL! Now that I finished a couple of the projects I have been working on, I am giving myself a time-out to catch up on what all of you are up to!!

 I am ALMOST finished with my Tome De Paola themed graphics - YEAH!!! I like how they are turning out! I wish I had super speed. And I wish I wasn't writing in fragments....it sounds a little like I have had WAY TOO much caffeine...why, YES...YES I HAVE!!

On the topic of happy hyperness (the essence of hyper and diet red bull - hyperness), I was totally excited about...

Kim over @ Joy in 6th was on a mystery hunt to find out who created a frame that she saw and liked....& guess what...it was one of mine!! How cool is that? I completely blushed (even though no one was around) when I read her post!! Thank you Kim for the <3.

I just had to quote something so fabulous from Kim that I wished  I had come up with myself...this is a little part of a fab. note she sent me & I will have to use this (in quotations, of course) because I am lovin it!!

"You're like a blog-fairy-god-sister sending happy sparkles when you visit"

joyin6th Homepage
Everyone say...AHHHHHHH!! SO FWEET 

(my daughter (who is very sick right now) used to say this - I am spelling sweet wrong on purpose - just in case you were wondering)

Okay, Kim....this one is for you...

"You are the WIND beneath my WINGS"

Oh wait...that's not mine either...tehehehe!!! I am totally laughing in my office right now and I am completely alone...does that make me totally ridiculous?? TOTALLY...I just realized that I might overuse this word. I use to always tell my 7th grade students to watch out for overly repeated words when editing...I think I just might eat my own words...LOL!!

Hey...we should have a linky for the best blog quotes ever!!!! I am a genius!! A RIDICULOUS GENIUS! Hahaha!

To Celebrate Kim's hunt & love for frames...here is a FREEBIE!!
Please read my TOU before using any of my graphics for personal and/or commercial use.

In honor of Mother's Day, which is coming around the corner...

200 follower  (give or take a little or a lot) 
Bloggity Blogs!!

Lacey @
Wild about Teaching!

Ms. Kerri@

Ms. Kerri and Her Krazy Kindergarten

Ms. Lindsey (who just shared the cutest Earth Day craftivity) @

Liz @


5-Star Blogger

Chairty's 5 Challenge Award

I have already FAILED this one & I want the award...so cute!! I often feature other blogs in my posts (hence: the shout outs above) and I don't think I can stop doing it...BOO!! Also, I just announced my new graphics set (well, I am going to after this)...another FAIL and disqualification...ho hom...the tragedy.You can link up HERE and see if YOU qualify for this award....& maybe you can have this cuteness. I added it in a post so that I can at least  talk about it...hahaha...I think sharing this might disqualify me as well...hahahaha!! I'll make my own award....for those that didn't qualify for the 5 star challenge...hehehe

Just add your name and link to this post and I will see if there are enough of us to make a funny award...hahaha!!


I have this set up on TPT for $5 bucks...break this down and it comes out to be less than 10 cents a graphic!!! Wait...that means that I am technically making 10 cents every two hours...OH MY LORD...I am makin' the big bucks now!!! LOL!!!

You can check out this set HERE on TPT.

P.S. Sunday gardening went great!! Planted some beauties and I have been loving the loveliness in my front yard and want to plant some more.. I even got a GRAPE VINE!!! I still have to plant that in the back..

Thank you so much for following my blog and thinking I am worth a reading!!!

Kindergarten, 6th, 7th, 8th - TeachersPayTeachers.com  Pin It


  1. I love the letter people...they're adorable! Thanks for the freebie frames too!


  2. OMG! I stayed up late last night to write a post about my 1-star self and how if makes me feel. I didn't publish it because I'm afraid everyone will hate me for my bluntness. It's like not sending that love letter in middle school and burning it instead of giving it to that boy. I would LOVE a funny award instead. =)

    Emily @ Second Grade Silliness 

    1. Hahaha! Hey, I just hit the problems head on...hehehe. I am convinced- even one more person is enough...I am right on top of that award...it better be good(-: and guess what? Everyone will qualify (-;

      Glad I am not alone...hehehe

    2. There is part of me that would love to read your post about your 1 star self. I have very mixed feelings about all that.
      Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE the letter people. They are adorable.


    P.S. I LOVE that you always want to shout out to other blogs :)

  4. Love the frames! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to check out the giveaway this weekend.

    Have a great week!


  5. Love the frames. And yay for me guessing right on Kim's blog about it being your frame :)

    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  6. Those alphabet letters are so stink in' cute! AND I love the frames!

    Cheers To School

  7. Thanks for the shout out and the frames. I love your blog and think you're a 5 star blog!
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  8. Thanks for the shout out!! I LOVE the frames and your alphabet letters are so cute! Thanks for sharing.


    Lovin’ First Grade

  9. LOVE the Vowel-ettes and the frames and everything you do!!

    I have something to say about my Who-knows-what-star self but God has his hand firmly over my mouth..er..hand right now. Haha!

    Strive to Sparkle

  10. Your graphics are so cute! I just used one of your other freebies for my Mother's Day unit :)
    Over the 1st Grade Rainbow

  11. Thanks for sharing! I am your newest follower! Stop by and visit me...



  12. Here's the link for my post about the giveaway you're participating in.

  13. These are sooooo darling! An absolute love. . .

  14. You have a 5 star blog in my book! I love your blog and your graphics! I would be honored to get your funny award because I too did not qualify as a 5 star blog because I share other people's blogs. Thank you for the free frames. I already have something in mind to use them on. The alphabet characters are adorable!

    Thinking Out Loud

  15. Hi Michelle, I have been thinking about the premise of that 5 Star Blog Challenge myself. I have found so many awesome resources and blogs through every single blog I visit. {My google reader will probably explode one of these days!}

    I love that every blog has it's own spin, and a blog is the author's personal expression- including format and content. Readers can choose to read, follow, or ignore whatever blogs or posts they wish.

    Thanks for all that you share- I enjoy reading your blog! 5 Stars to You!

    primary practice

  16. As always, I love your frames. Thanks for sharing. You are 5-star to me :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  17. Such sweet borders...as always! I will be giving you a shout out when I use them as the finishing touch to my poetry unit!

    Great {First Grade} Expectations

  18. You crack me up! =)

    Holy stinkin' cuteness with those letters! They are just what I need for a project! Wahoo! =)

    You have 5 stars in my book. =)

    Heather's Heart


Love Notes...